Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I am watching "Hardball" with Chris Matthews and apparently Sarah Palin said she WOULD release her medical records!

Matthews was talking to Brian Williams and Chuck Todd about the John McCain, Sarah Palin. interview that is on NBC tonight.

During the back and forth Chuck Todd mentioned that McCain and Palin have absolutely NO chemistry together. He said that it was almost like two strangers had been picked off of the street and put together in a room to give a joint interview. He stressed again that they were very unfamiliar and uncomfortable with each other. It was a very telling statement.

Then Chuck Todd said that when asked about whether she would release her medical records Sarah Palin said she would, and that apparently this came as a complete surprise to John McCain and her campaign staff.

Gee I wonder how they will walk her back from that remark?

Well I plan to hold her to that statement. She said it, it is on record, and we deserve to have her finally keep her word on something!

Come on Governor show us your medical records! Unless you have something to hide that is!

Update: Here is the video.


  1. yeah..I would bet money it is AFTER the election...
    ( McCain barely looked at her during their interview..)

  2. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I saw this last night too and also watched Rachel Maddow when Brian Williams was one. He made a great point...why did the McCain campaign make the number one evening news cast wait 55 days to grant him an interview with Palin. Williams was very candid...I will watch those interviews, and see how McCains to her. He looks comppletely wiped out by this election...take a look at him from interviews early in the year. He looks like he has aged about 10 years, it is astounding. No wonder why he needs the American Idol makeup artist.

    I think the reason Sarah Palin gets such high ratings is because of the trainwreck factor. I know she's going to say something stupid in an interview, and she never disappoints. I still cringe when I hear her talk about the job of the vice president and other stupid stuff that comes out of her is astounding...she has actually become her own Tina Fey caricature. She fills up a run on sentence with so many "there"'s and "also"'s, too many to keep track of. Try it with these new set of interviews Williams will unveil in these next few days. Can you keep a running tally on your blog?


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