Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Remember when you saw Representative Michelle Bachman on "Hardball" and thought she was crazy? Well you had not seen crazy yet!

By the way since this wingnuts appearance on Hardball her opponent, Elwyn Tinkleberg, has received almost a MILLION dollars in campaign donations.

Boy seeing her up on that pulpit reminds me of Alaska's very own "fool for Christ", Sarah Palin.

Just how many crazed anti-gay Republican mommy politicans are there in the world anyhow?


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I must be an extreme social liberal, cuz for the life of me I don't understand why anyone would care if someone else wanted to get married.

    More power to them I say.

    Straight people shouldn't be the only ones to suffer. :-)

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM


  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I live in the 6th district of Minn. She is a right wing extremist and the majority of people who live are not. The local press failed to cover almost all of her "wing nut" behaviors. She signed a pledge to vote with Bush before she even went to D.C., and has voted against any sort of legislation which would have helped people who live here.

    Bachmann and Palin are two of a kind. Both evangelical, both put party before the people who elected them, and both need to be gone from any sort of political public service.

    Thanks Gryphen, for posting this video and for your posting of her opponents contribution website. I think you've done a service for the people of the 6th Minn. The Tinklenberg ads are already on, and the RNCC is pulling the funding for Bachmann's ads. (She better be praying for a miracle now.)

    Now let's get to work on sending Palin back to you.....(sorry, but she'll probably return to you even if she isn't wanted.)

  4. yup..sent 5 bucks up to Tinkleberg..( Love the name anyways..) Screw her....and her "american" crapola....may she rot in her own hell..the nerve of this judegemental woman....( I heard her house got painted with eggs last weekend...hmm, that says to me that she is not so loved...oh well)

    Thanks for educating us more...

    I posted her about a month ago when she gave her Bigot speech on the floor blaming minorite and poor people for the Mortgage Meltdown....

  5. speaking of crazy ....

    I saw these results over at Dkos..did not know if you saw...
    Ivan Moore Research. 10/17-19. Likely voters. MoE 4.4%. (10/3-6 numbers)

    Begich (D) 46 (49)
    Stevens (R) 45 (45)

    Ugh. That's some critical ground lost for Orange to Blue candidate Mark Begich.

    This race has been tight for a while...too tight, especially as Stevens is under indictment. The case of US vs Stevens went to jury today. If Stevens is convicted, Begich will win. If he is acquitted, Stevens is favored strongly, though he could still lose.

    Those taking this race for granted should think again; while Begich's favorables are still very high, Stevens has a good chance of winning reelection.

    In the House race, however, the news is far better:

    Ivan Moore Research. 10/17-19. Likely voters. MoE 4.4%. (10/3-6 numbers)

    Berkowitz (D) 51 (51)
    Young (R) 43 (42)

    Well, with two weeks to go, and no trial pending, no last-ditch chance to save himself, Don Young looks pretty doomed.

    Some of the best news: Obama and Biden are closing in in the presidential race:

    Ivan Moore Research. 10/17-19. Likely voters. MoE 4.4%. (10/3-6 numbers)

    McCain/Palin (R) 53 (55)
    Obama/Biden (D) 42 (38)

    The "Palin effect" seems to be wearing off even in a state where she could do no wrong for two years.

    On the web


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