Monday, October 13, 2008

Is it really possible? Could Obama actually win this thing?

Today 15 newspapers endorsed Barack Obama.

Small media websites show Obama substantially ahead of John McCain:

Election Projection: Obama 364-174 Obama 349, McCain 174, 15 tied
Fivethirtyeight: Obama 347.6-190.4 McCain Obama 320, McCain 158, Toss-up 60
Real Clear Politics: Obama 277, McCain 158, Toss-up 103

Every month Obama seems to raise even more money then the month before.

Even while McCain struggles to fill seats at his fundraisers.

And now Obama is even offering pie!

Ladies and gentlemen I am almost afraid to say this out loud but I think Barack Obama is going to be our next President! Wow, I think I just blew my mind!


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    steady now.
    let's not court the fates.
    i'm afraid to say it outloud... but...
    i'm........ cautiously optimistic.
    (how great will this be?!?!?)

  2. 1. Obama has a sizeable lead in the polls.
    2. Republicans motivate the racist vote and use caging techniques (no voting if you've been foreclosed) and Dieboldish shenanigans to downsize the Obama vote.
    3. Obama wins, but not by much.
    4. Having already primed the "voter fraud" accusations with ACORN anecdotes and baseless "Chicago"-style dead-voter accusations, Republicans sic their lawyers and question the election results.

    Don't call the beast dead until it's cold, because it'll brign the roof down on both your heads if it has to.

  3. Yeah I know right?

    It is like if you dare to say it outloud there will be some blowback from the fates.

  4. Damn it funkalunatic!

    You are harshing my mellow!

  5. Sorry, just making sure nobody gets too comfortable yet! Plus there's still plenty of time left for a terror attack or attack on Iran or more extremely serious economic crisis stuff for John McCain to try to spin again (he eventually got around to tying the dems to Fannie and Freddie - as if that was to blame for the whole mess - but if he had done it sooner this would be a closer race).

  6. I'm not ready to say it out loud yet - it's a looooong time till election day (in political time).

    I can't wait to see the 30 minutes planned by Obama on prime time tv five or six days before the election.

    The closer election day gets, the more furious and intense the attacks from McCain's camp are going to get. We just need to hang on and keep getting the truth out.

    I am going to keep praying for peace and sanity, and nonviolence.

    I will admit though that secretly I am grinning ear to ear whenever I see the electoral map. :)

  7. I'm with the "don't jinx it" crowd. Never say it out loud!

    I was a Red Sox fan in 1986. Need I say more?


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