Monday, October 13, 2008

Keith talks about Troopergate's ethical findings and to the Village Voice's Wayne Barrett, about that great house Todd built all by his lonesome.

Another day, another Palin scandal. I swear if this keeps up I may have to quit my day job!

I must give a hat tip to my friend AK Muckraker who covered this story two days ago. Muckraker did such a great job of pointing out the inconsistencies with the First Dude's version of this story that I felt that I could not add anything to the story at the time.

But by God I can certainly add a clip from Countdown and allow Keith Olbermann and the reporter who broke the story to provide further illumination now can't I?


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Those personal email accounts hold all the answers.

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Maybe we could ask Walt Monegan to investigate this.

  3. I was cheering when I saw the show last night. I am confident the truth is going to come out! :)

  4. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Now that the rest of the lazy media has been fed this story by the only man with balls on TV, someone else will likely run with it...looks like Scarah is closer to Uncle Ted than she likes to admit.

    BTW...what alternate universe is this woman living in? I know there are normal people in Alaska because I read your blogs, but sheesh...she really does need to read more...


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