Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is it possible there may be another, even heavier shoe about to drop in the Sarah Palin Troopergate affair?

As we all know the Branchflower report just came out saying that even though the firing of Walt Monegan in and of itself was not an illegal act, that Palin DID abuse her powers by allowing a personal vendetta against Trooper Wooten to be conducted using state resources and access by herself and Todd Palin.

Surprisingly Palin, and her toady little spokesperson Meg Stapleton, have decided that that the report clears them of any criminality or ethics violation. Because in the fantasy world that envelopes the McCain/Palin campaign, up is down, and black is clearly white.

However there is still another pending investigation that, believe it or not, Sarah Palin launched against herself.

Here is what Newsweek magazine says about that:

McCain campaign spokeswoman Meg Stapleton dismissed the report as the product of "a partisan-led inquiry run by Obama supporters." But there could be more land mines ahead. Some weeks ago, the McCain team devised a plan to have Palin file an ethics complaint against herself with the State Personnel Board, arguing that it alone was capable of conducting a fair, nonpartisan inquiry into whether she fired Monegan because he refused to fire Wooten, who had been involved in a messy custody battle with her sister. Some Democrats ridiculed the move, noting that the personnel board answered to Palin. But the board ended up hiring an aggressive Anchorage trial lawyer, Timothy Petumenos, as an independent counsel. McCain aides were chagrined to discover that Petumenos was a Democrat who had contributed to Palin's 2006 opponent for governor, Tony Knowles. Palin is now scheduled to be questioned next week, and the counsel's report could be released soon after. "We took a gamble when we went to the personnel board," said a McCain aide who asked not to be identified discussing strategy. While the McCain camp still insists Palin "has nothing to hide," it acknowledges a critical finding by Petumenos would be even harder to dismiss.

I actually had to step away from my keyboard until my I got my giggles under control. Because this report may prove to be one of the most laugh out loud funny chapters in this political farce.

That the investigation Sarah Palin launched to minimize the impact of the real investigation might end up harming her reputation and credibility even more then the Branchflower Report, would be what we usually refer to as Karma. And sometimes my friends, Karma is a bitch.


  1. A moment from packing! I just heard this morning her Husband dictated everything and attended all meetings. That is BS! He threatened the commissioner and wanted the ex in law fired. It will get worse but them idiots call her already vindicated so nothing will come of it though they are both guilty as hell!

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Like TIME said, the Palin staff and associates are such rank amateurs, you just gotta wonder how they haven't been eaten by a moose yet.

    As for Karma, Karma is a Meg.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Hey Gryphen...get your Sarah Palin corruption first t-shit:

  4. i am lost
    to have Palin file an ethics complaint against herself

    i dont get that -- that sounds like something from the Onion

  5. seems the delusional creature said on the trail this weekend that she did nothing wrong- that is what the report said- I was hoping a reporter would yell to her "DID you read it ???" ( cause when I read it....she and Todd are both in some trouble...)

  6. Actually a reporter DID ask her if she read it.

    It was an Anchorage Daily News reporter and she ignored the question.

    You can read the transcript over at Mudflats, under the heading "Through the looking glass with Sarah Palin".

    You can even hear the exchange on audio if you are so inclined.

  7. Oh, this is too good. I hope the Personnel Board bitchslaps her back to Wasilla!


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