Sunday, October 12, 2008

I believe this adequately represents the current Republican viewpoint.


  1. today I saw my first McCain Palin sign on my street....I almost threw up....right there on the sign...

    ( the thing is it is the house where the lady is having an affair- I have seen her out kissing her lunchtime lover by his car...while walking my she is the biggest hypocrite on our street- so I guess it makes sense...)

    but in my hood full of Obama signs I was bummed...

  2. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Next time you walk your dogs, bring your digital camera and make sure they see you taking their pictures.

    Imagine the possibilities from there.

  3. dear anony...
    she knows I know...I walk by and wave when she is on the porch in the eve with Hubby and yes, in the afternoon with her lover- yeah- I always wave and say hi .....she is less than friendly.....gee I wonder why ????


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.