Friday, October 03, 2008

The McCain stormtroopers simply will not take NO for an answer.

Lawyers seeking to shut down the Legislature's investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin this afternoon filed an emergency appeal with the Alaska Supreme Court.

They're asking the state's high court to decide by the close of business today whether it will hear their appeal.

The action comes the day after Anchorage Superior Court Judge Peter Michalski threw out their lawsuit attempting to halt the Legislature's investigation of what's known as Troopergate. The suit was filed on behalf of a group of Republican state legislators who oppose the investigation.

Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute and Anchorage attorney Kevin Clarkson, representing the group of anti-investigation legislators, want the state Supreme Court to decide their appeal by Thursday.

This was not unexpected, but I think it is just too late for these guys to kill this report.

But look how freaking desperate they are to keep Alaskans (and you dear reader), from learning the truth! Now be honest, have you EVER wanted to read the findings of a legislative investigation as much as you want to read this one?

This is almost as exciting as waiting for another Harry Potter book to hit the bookstores!

"Sarah Palin and the Goblet of Lies"
Check your local legislature or Alaskan blogger to reserve your copy!

Update: Okay this Liberty Legal Institute mentioned in the article above is some quasi-religious legal agency that specializes in taking on legal cases that defend religious freedoms. This is their Mission Statement: To achieve expanded religious freedom and family autonomy through litigation and education designed to limit the government's power, increase the religious rights of citizens and promote parental rights.

Click here for a list of legal cases they have been involved with.

So the question is, what the hell are they doing up here in Alaska?


  1. how desperate are they ????wow...unreal...

  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I see that one of the 5 justices was appointed by Palin....what are the others like?

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Gryphen, I have some Potteresk images to go with your "goblet of lies" book-how can I send you photos?

  4. stole my book title!!!!

    ROFLMAO -- that was freakin' brilliant!

    We have GOT to get this story to go viral!

  5. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I'll tell you what they are doing in Alaska. Same shit they did in 2000 and 2004. The right wing nut job lawyers come up and shut the case down. And the election continues. For the "good" of the country.

    Hope your judges are smart (they seem to have amazing educations based on their bios) and smarter to see through the crap. I hope Alaskans start sending letters to the editor of the local papers and organize protests because this is what they do very swiftly.

  6. I guess I am confused can Shackelford or Clarkson practice in AK ? Maybe your readers know ?


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