Friday, October 17, 2008

The Supreme Court protects voters in Ohio.

The Supreme Court is siding with Ohio's top elections official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations.

The justices on Friday overruled a federal appeals court that had ordered Ohio's top elections official to do more to help counties verify voter eligibility.

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, faced a deadline of Friday to set up a system to provide local officials with names of newly registered voters whose driver's license numbers or Social Security numbers on voter registration forms don't match records in other government databases.

Ohio Republicans contended the information for counties would help prevent fraud. Brunner said the GOP is trying to disenfranchise voters.

This is clearly another attempt by the Republicans to question the results of an election that they fear may be a landslide for the Democrats.

They are doing the same thing with these ridiculous claims about ACORN.

The facts are that all of this demonstrates a sense of desperation within the Republican party.

That is a good thing, but we must be ready to repudiate the nasty attacks that will be coming at us fast and furious in the few weeks we still have before November 4th.

1 comment:

  1. was barely reported here...on local crappyass news....shameful...
    BUT...Rachel..bless her....she interviewed Brunner tonight....thank heavens...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.