Friday, October 17, 2008

If you want to see Sarah Palin as President in her Oval Office just click here.

Very funny!

Click on everything in the office and I guarantee you will not be able to stop laughing.

A thankful hat tip to my good friend Enigma for this gem.


  1. I saw that on Huffington Post - can't wait to try it at home (can't use flash program here at work).

    Did you notice Palin's stupid remark today - she loves visiting the Pro-American parts of our country - (when they tired to spin it, she said the small towns and pockets fo what I call the real America) -- so like the rest of us are un-American ???

    I posted demanding that she apologize to every single American.

    Not that I'd accept though.

  2. Be sure to watch Meet the Press on Sunday - Powell is scheduled to be on and he may be endorsing a presidential candidate! *fingers crossed*

    Please please please please let it be Obama - if so that should put an end to the lies Palin is spreading. Powell is a respected by almost every one - and if he endorses Obama then (almost) no one could argue that Obama was not American!

  3. Hey! That Maverick in the basketball uniform isn't a real American! What gives?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.