Sunday, October 05, 2008

Teamster Treasurer Richard Trumka, who could REALLY be described as "Joe Six Pack", talks about racism and Barack Obama.

This guy pulls no punches in describing why people should be honest about why they will not vote for Barack Obama.

And then he goes on to tell them they need to get over it, for the sake of their children.

If you like this PLEASE borrow it and post it yourself.

It is a great speech and deserves to be seen by everyone!


  1. love him! WHEN Obama is elected, he should give him a job in the Labor Dept.!

  2. Well, and since he is working SO HARD wasting Union's money on getting Sen. Obama elected (meanning: spending Union money on Se. Obama campaign)...he and all who does so WILL HAVE A GREAT HOOKUP. That is what Democrats from Illinois/Chicago are GREAT at. Hookups and stealing...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.