Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is Alaska, and this is our local wildlife, any questions?

As winter creeps down the Chugach Mountains and the grizzly bears start the move toward their dens, wildlife biologists and others have begun to contemplate whether the city's summer of bears was an aberration or the face of what is to come.

Never before had sprawling urbanization collided so visibly with Big Wild Life. Two people were mauled in the Anchorage Bowl, where no previous maulings had taken place. Another was mauled not far from downtown Eagle River. And a huge grizzly boar was struck and killed by an automobile on a Midtown street. Runners and mountain bikers were chased or confronted by grizzlies in Hillside parks.

"Who knows what this means," said Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Sean Farley. "I don't have a Ouija board for bears."

Two things spring to mind here.

One, how did the McCain campaign ever think they could come up here and intimidate Alaskans when this is the kind of scary shit we deal with on a daily basis? I mean, really!

Two, I have to immediately go and purchase a Ouija board for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Because anything that might keep me from jumping out of my skin every time I hear a twig snap is a good investment in my book.


  1. I just have to share this will all of you - I was just accused of not supporting Palin because she is good looking and I’m not LOL

    seriously I swear - here is the link to the comments

    (here’s a partial quote: "Plus, she’s [Palin] good lookin’ and certain women resent her.(" - that is my page with my photo.

    and I truly do appreciate that he included a link to the page with my photo so all the world could see
    LOL this has to be the funniest thing I ever heard

    This is one not so good looking woman who is proud to NOT support Sarah Palin. hehehehehe

  2. Well I apologize for this jerk's insensitive remarks.

    And as for attractiveness, remember beauty is only skin deep but stupidity lives in our chromosomes.

  3. His words are minor amusement - definitely not insulted by them in any way. I would much rather be me and have brain, even if I were covered in warts and had a hump back - then to be in any way like Sarah Palin


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.