Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Video of the day. Activist Jeanine Bonaparte attempts to place Karl Rove under citizens arrest.

I am giving Jeanine Bonaparte a standing ovation.

If more Americans had her courage we could have brought these criminals to justice a long time ago.

It is my fervent hope that once the Democrats get control of both the House and the Senate that we launch an intensive investigation into the criminal behavior of this administration and that at the end of it many of these bastards receive stiff prison sentences.

Maybe I will finally get to see Karl Rove frogwalked into a van and hauled off to the penitentiary.

What a great day in America that will be.


  1. Now that would be a dream come true - and Cheney needs to be investigated big time too.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    That skank should be put in jail right along with Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, Pelosi, Dodd, Frank, Raines, Reid, and the Obamas.


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