Sunday, November 30, 2008

After destroying John McCain's Presidential bid Sarah Palin is now in Georgia sinking Saxby Chambliss's hopes as well. You go girl!

Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss enlisted Gov. Sarah Palin to rally conservatives while Democratic challenger Jim Martin pushed to activate black voters, as they grappled for advantage in a Tuesday runoff that will shape Democrats' hold on power in Washington.

Palin, who was John McCain's vice presidential running mate, was to arrive in Georgia for a private fundraiser tonight, followed by rallies across the state Monday. McCain carried the state with 52 percent of the vote on Nov. 4.

It will be Palin's first return to the campaign trail since her failed vice presidential bid. She is widely rumored to be interested in a run for president in 2012.

The cognitive dissonance that seems to be permeating the GOP concerning Sarah Palin is absolutely unbelievable. It is as if they see her giving interview after disastrous interview and simply do not notice that her elevator does not go to the top. She is a few bricks shy of a full load. She is not the sharpest tool in the tool shed. She is rowing with only one oar.

She ain't bright.

And yet they keep trotting her out as if she is the very embodiment of the future of the Republican party. And all I can say as a registered Democrat is "God I hope so"!

Of course what else can Senator Chambliss do? He knows he is facing a new Democratic Senate and an incredibly popular Democratic President. I mean if he was just facing one lone Vietnam war hero he could run this ad again:

But since he no longer has that option Chambliss has no choice but to bring in the big guns like Palin, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney. Wow how can anybody hope to fight against that kind of star power?

The president-elect recorded a radio ad and automated phone calls for Martin but never made it to Georgia. Some 100 Obama field operatives flocked to the state to work on grassroots efforts to get voters back to the polls.

Oh he is screwed! None of those losers were even able to stand up against John McCain in the primary, when their own party hated him, how can they possible hope to stand up against Barack Obama who the country clearly loves?

Here is the kind of ad created by "Big Daddy" Saxby Chambliss for this election. I post it without comment, take from it what you will.

And as for Sarah Palin? Well as a progressive Alaskan I think that the more often she is associated with campaign's for creepy Republican losers the better for the Alaskan people right now, and for the American people in 2012.


  1. Anonymous10:03 PM

    This ad is creepy. Saxby puts his hands where they don't belong!

  2. Anonymous3:20 AM

    I just can't get my mind around the Palin disease. Sadly, members of my own family are infected. On Thanksgiving a couple of them were arguing that she didn't lose McCain the election (probably true, but she did hurt him), and defending her shooting of wolves from a helicopter or whatever the hell that is she flies around in with her AK47. And some other members of my family were arguing back. And finally I just yelled out, it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if it's OK to shoot wolves or not. She's a stupid bimbo who could have become President, do you get that? She's a dumb bimb.

    I try really hard not to use the b word, because it really is anti-feminist, but stupid bimbos do exist, is it anti-feminist to acknowedge this? I don't know. But at least they shut up.

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    We'll find out tomorrow but I think you may be underestimating the ignorance of the South.

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    OMG.Big Daddy gropes little girl.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    We live in Georgia and my kids saw that ad the other day. The youngest said "hey! he should touch her there!"

    Sadly, your anon commenter is probably right. Don't underestimate them here for voting for the R.

    I'm sure there are plenty of Palin fans here.

  6. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I have said it before, and I will say it is the Britney trainwreck factor that gets so much Palin attention.

    Like the earlier poster, Sarah Palin's name came up at our Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws. They are both in their early seventies. They are African American, both lifelong democrats from the South. My father in law for some reason thinks Sarah Palin is hot. He knows it pisses my mother in law off when he says it.

    I asked him alot of questions about her, and basically he got down to the opinion that because she's crazy, she must be a "good time". I mean that's what it comes down to. Not that she's smart, and he certainly doesn't agree with her politics, but he thinks she's so wacky that she must be hot in the sack. So there you have it, I am sure many of her male fans fell the same way as my father in law, and womes who like her must just be plain stupid.


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