Sunday, November 30, 2008

District Attorney Juan Guerra unveils evidence that he claims proves that Dick Cheney is a criminal. Is it December 25th? No really is it Christmas?

The charges against the Vice President stem from the Willacy State Jail in Raymondville and from the inmate, Gregorio De La Rosa, Jr., who was killed there by a fellow inmate in 2001. Guerra says that the elected officials let the jail get away with murder so that they can keep making money.

"Greed will get you discovered and arrested every time, and that's what happened to Cheney," Guerra said.

Guerra says he went through Cheney's financial records and the prison companies' financial records and found the connection. The three top prison companies Guerra researched were Corrections Corporation of America, GEO Group and Cornell. Those three have the Vanguard Group in common, which is an investment company that puts money into all three prison companies.

"We knew Vanguard was the key," said Guerra.

I have waited for this day for eight long years.

Now that we have a new, honest administration about to take power it is time to investigate ALL of the abuses and criminal activities of the Bush administration and start throwing their asses in prison by the truckload.

I wonder how much it would cost me to pay an inmate to do to Dick Cheney what he has been doing to America for these last eight years? Maybe if I start saving now.

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