"An investigation is ongoing,'' said Alaska assistant attorney general Andrew Peterson.
Peterson refused to reveal specifics, but the investigation appears to center around Richard Perry, an English filmmaker who was bitten in the leg by a bear while filming at Bear Haven this summer. Perry is at work on a multipart series about Vandergaw and his bears for "Animal Planet,'' a cable-television network.
Perry said he didn't think the bite all that significant, but it left visible teeth marks in his lower leg and required first aid. Peterson said state investigators have interviewed Perry.
Other attorneys say state prosecutors could use the attack to charge Vandergaw with reckless endangerment, a class A misdemeanor with a possible sentence of up to a year in jail, a $10,000 fine or both. State law says someone is guilty of this crime if he "recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury to another person."
This summer Perry from "Animal Planet'' and Australian TV's "60 Minutes'' were at Bear Haven. The latter just happened to be there when Perry was bitten and subsequently posted a story and photographs of the bite on its Web site.
Aussie reporter Liam Bartlett also solicited a confession from Vandergaw about the dangers unique to his homestead.
"I've been slapped. I've been knocked unconscious. I've been T-boned by large bears and knocked to the ground and had a hard time getting up,'' the 70-year-old Vandergaw told the reporter. "I've been thrown to the ground by bears, but it was in no way that any of those was an all-out attack. I guarantee I wouldn't be sitting here today if a bear had given me an all-out attack. At the same time, it's probably like anything else -- if you've got thousands of hours with bears, the odds are. ... The odds are mounting. ...''
Everyone -- including Vandergaw -- agrees that what he is and has been doing is potentially dangerous.
I have written about Mr. Vandergaw a few times in the past.
As I have mentioned before Charlie Vandergaw was my science teacher when I attended Dimond High School in the late seventies.
He was a great teacher in a school filled with great teachers, and I have many fond memories of all of them. I could probably spend several weeks writing blog posts just about the eclectic personalities that helped to shape me in those halcyon days.
Unlike many people I did not react with alarm when I first read about Mr. Vandergaw and his bears. As a matter of fact I was very pleased to see that he was still actively pursuing his interest in science. I mean let's face it, who has observed more wild bears than Charlie Vandergaw?
But while I am sure that Mr. Vandergaw probably has had a truly joyful experience in these last 20 years befriending and interacting with these beautiful creatures, the lesson of Tim Treadwell is resounding in my head.
As much as Charlie loves his bears I don't believe that he wants to end up on the wrong side of their food chain. Not to mention what that outcome would say to all of the people who he was able to educate about the complex personalities of these amazing creatures.
His death would simply reinforce people's worst impressions of bears and erase all of his hard work.
So if I had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Vandergaw I would advise him to end this last amazing science experiment on a positive note and let the bears return to the wild. Then his legacy would endure in pictures, videotape, and memories unsullied by a violent outcome.
If you want a chance to see Charlie Vandergaw interacting with his beloved bears you can view the documentary "The Man Who Lives With Bears" right here. It is 45 absolutely amazing minutes long.
I understand your fondness for the guy, but feeding bears implies Mr. Vandergaw has a serious case of dumbass.
ReplyDeleteHaving done this for over twenty years and not ended up as bear poop, discounts the notion of his being a "dumbass".
ReplyDeleteHowever I will certainly agree that he has made choices which may have an unfortunate outcome should one of "his bears" encounter other people out in the wild. Having lost the fear of people and acting very un-bearlike may cost them their lives.
But I am afraid the biggest mistake that Mr. Vandergaw may have made was coming out of the closet with his "bear club-med". That will surely prove his undoing.
Which is why I would encourage him to stop now before he is forced to stop by the authorities or his advancing age makes the bears lose respect for his authority and challenge him.
Mr. Vandergaw, like Treadwell, has contributed to the understanding of bears. Most learning about nature, whether it is bears, sharks, tornadoes, or the moon, involves risk on the part of the investigator. It is not "dumbass". Quite the contrary. In my opinion, forsaking learning for safety is a bit more "dumbass".
Many folks in Kodiak interacted with Mr. Treadwell. I have not met a person here who is upset by his end. However; everyone I have talked with agrees it is a shame that the woman with him died because she believed his hype. Your are also correct that the nature of his demise undid everything his half-witted mind sought to accomplish, and caused the death of another.
ReplyDeleteAs for Mr.Vandergaw, well I do know him, but the reaction to a relatively minor injury should show what to expect if there are anymore incidents.
I agree with Gryphon on this one. Vandergaw has accomplished some amazing things, but he should consider moving on to a new hobby before all his work is undone.
Ok, for those of you that think he was or wasn't a dumbass let me throw this at you..
ReplyDeleteI own land up the Yentna River and would very much like to move there and homestead with my wife and children. Now suppose, just suppose one of O'l Charlie's "pets" decides to come knocking in my kitchen just like he has been "trained" to do for years and years with Good O'l Charlie. Now my wife and daughter aren't under the impression that its one of Charlie's special pets so they naturely are a little scared. Well, they drop the food they have in their hands and it spooks Charlie's pet. Now, what happens when a bear gets spooked or surprised..? He either is going to run or attack... He's an animal and that's all he knows to do..!!
So, if all are lucky in my family and the bear runs and my wife and children are still alive and unhurt then we for sure missed a dangerous situation. But, what if he attacks (because he's an animal) and one of my loved ones dies..?? Do you still think Good O'l Charlie is still an alright guy. Wouldn't he be a manslaughter'. After all it was "his" interaction and "training" of the bears which are wild, that just killed one of my loved ones.!
Do you really think what he has done is so great...!!!
That danger is exactly why he needs to be stopped and stopped today...!
Okay, maybe dumbass was a bit harsh.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Mr. Vandergraw's actions are reckless and ill-conceived.
Carrying out controlled scientific experiments on the Ebola virus in a lab equipped with intense fail-safe procedures is one thing. It's quite another thing to whip up a batch in your basement in the "name of science."
In effect, this is what Mr. Vandergraw did.
It has been proven over and over again that bears that have learned that people = a free meal are very dangerous critters, and bad shit almost invariably happens.
So, if you are offended, I will withdraw the "dumbass" term.
But I can't think of too many less harsh terms that more apt.
Well thanks or rethinking the "dumbass" label.
ReplyDeleteI cannot completely defend every choice that Mr. Vandergaw has made, but I do believe that the only ones who may face a risk are those who visit the bear haven, Mr. Vandergaw himself, and any of the bears who expect other humans to interact with them the way Charlie does.
I really doubt that the people living in the area are in that much danger, since they are undoubtedly very "bear aware", keep their garbage locked up tight, and know how to respond when encountering one in the wild.
Truthfully my only real concern is for Mr. Vandergaw himself. And not because he does not know what he is doing, but because of the unpredictable nature of the animals and his advancing age. If Mr. Vandergaw were to fall and be injured it would probably trigger a wounded animal response in the bears and they would act accordingly.
The videos are amazing and he has done something unique, but if he ended up like Tim Treadwell that would be all anyone ever talked about. And THAT would break Mr. Vandergaw's heart.
why don't you leave him alone he is not hurting anyone authorities should be more concern of other crimes in the country. I am a bear lover you all dont have enough to talk about but to critisize someone else interests in life
ReplyDeleteThe suggestion that Vandergaw is doing science it complete hogwash. There are no hypotheses being tested that I am aware of and he has never published any results concerning bear behavior. He has simply habituated bears by feeding them dogfood. As another poster indicated, those living near Vandergaw's land now have to deal with habituated bears.
ReplyDeleteHe is fine if he is told to stop this i will have main alaskan goverment officials to have him put back on his show
ReplyDeleteI don't mean top offend anyone and I'm not trying to be a smart-ass, but, exactly what are Mr. Vandergaw's contributions regarding expanding our knowledge of bears?? It seems to me that the two primary functions of all wildlife is to 1) Eat & 2) Reproduce. The quest for food to sustain life is the strongest drive which becomes even stronger as the hunger increases. Free food being dished out by humans is obviously removes the incentive to work to find it on their own and quickly becomes addictive like a 5 pack-a-day smoker; hard habit to break. As time time goes on the dependence on humans for that food grows to the point that one day the bear encounters a human who missed Charlie's Bear feeding 101 class and doesn't have a 50 lb. bag of Purina Bear Pellets in his backpack. Then, as was the case with Mr. Timothy Treadwell (and friend), if the bear happens to be REALLY hunger and doesn't have time to wait for the human to make a run to the supermarket, the human becomes the main course. Sad but true! As with Treadwell, Charlie Vandergaw's days are number and, because of his selfish actions, so are the days of the bears he is feeding and teaching to find a human whenever you need a snack!
ReplyDeleteI think for his own safety and the safety of his neighbors he should probably stop doing this. But I hardly think he deserves jail time. Must be cops and lawyers in Alaska don't have enough to do.
ReplyDeleteLook I think life is short, And Charlie is a science teacher a bush pilot. I am really sorry that just because the public know that he is doing that he is going to get hung out to dry. I think he is in alaska for a reason and I am in total agreement with Gryphon that the mistake was being open about what he has done. So many folks do so many ugly and hurtful or vile things for amusement I just cannot help but think that Charlie's situation is an example where a good law designed to help most people will be really hurting him and his life. I am sure that communing with the animals in the way he has been able to was an amazing and curative balm for him. I think its beautiful and life affirming but I also acknowledge that undoubtedly if the officials did not crack down on him. We would be hearing silly teenage kids or silly adults who are not likely as thoughtful or as qualified an outdoorsman as charlie try to imitate him and get themselves killed. I do not buy the argument that charlie is causing some great environmental harm by feeding the bears. I think the the fact that he is in a remote part of alaska and that he is one man that simply decided to befriend instead of shoot the wild animals that came on to his property rather than shoot them. I also think that clearly he took some calculated risks but he is a bush pilot and an outdoorsmen as well as a science teacher. I think its sad we cannot publicize folks like charlie and simply acknowledge his extraordinary achievement and also acknowledge the unusual circumstances that make it generally a harmless circumstance that can be allowed to continue given that limits and provisions are put in place. I think what he did was very cool and I am happy he had that experience and that we captured some images and thoughts from the end of that experience. I am sad for charlie that is over before he chose to make over himself and I am sorry that we did not instead maybe get someone to perhaps go up there and maybe learn something about bears from that unique situation. But i am not mad at the authorities either, they were in a tough position. I just hope that Charlie got enough time with them that it will hold him for the rest of his life. and To charlie where ever he is, I say, " I think what you did was cool and beautiful man and while I myself know I am in no position to ever emulate it nor would I want to try, I am grateful and glad that we got some lovely footage of your unique man bear haven.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't people know about the lifestyle of wild bears so that we can learn to live with them and not kill them every bear season. Every animal plays a vital role in the world ecosystem.
Movies about the two men and there animal shows : http://www.hulu.com/hd/52482
well i think it is wrong for them to be locked up and oppressed and called stupid or what ever some people might view them as these two men do great work and they seem to be trying to do the same things. Ben Kilham with black bears has more knowledge on the bears behavior but because it is science that they both could be helping;if they can prove facts about the bears and their lives it would allow for people to have educational understanding and facts about bears and how they live and act towards people and their own kind.
these websites i posted are awesome so are these two men; also brave willing to do what most of us will not dream of doing.i hope that succeed!
Charlie with more training and understanding about bears can develop into a great bear behaviorist an trainer protector of bears in the wild and stop them from being hunted ect.
We are fortunate to have a man who can find the beauty in life and simply be at peace with himself and with his surroundings. Would this not be a better world if we had half the heart that Charlie does?
ReplyDeleteThis is a very controversial situation indeed; On one hand he isnt directly harming other people, on the other hand other people may be harmed by his actions if they chose to be neighbors.
ReplyDeleteAs far as him not doing science cause he has not written a paper?? What a bunch of hogwash; Take a look back into previous scientific contributions in the annals of time, and not all are spawned in a thesis environment; Geological discovies would be a great example; Many are stumbled upon
He is analyzing animal behavior AND influencing animal behavior - to say that what he is doing doesnt have a tinge of scientific understanding is an incredibly constricting view of the field.
There is one thing that charlie said on this show that is indeed very true; He never, at least visibly, approaches the bears with trepidation, and in such a manner has showed an incredible side to these animals ; That often times it is the paralysis of fear that makes the human being jump into "flight" mode and trigger an attack (sorry if that is considered a "victim" mentality); Instead, he reads their body language constantly and makes slight adjustments in his own reactions.
That is indeed a lot of aspiring scientists can learn from.
Its not like he is feeding these animals 24/7 nonstop, especially since in the spring/summertime these mainly omnivorous creatures fatten up on the shoots and berries that form naturally in the yard. So in that respect, they certainly are not , as animals "taking it easy" on him just because he occasionally provides them treats.
I think he is certainly exposing a behavioral aspect of these creatures that indicates bears are not all 100% rage filled testosterone freaks looking to maul you immediately. That is certainly a notable finding that one would never have been able to make without his experiences around the creature.
So it's okay for hunters to lure bears with food (thus habituating the ones they don't kill and those that pick up the scraps and their camping trash) but somebody who habituates them to certain people in a very particular area for the purpose of hanging out with them poses a threat to society. Give me a break. Sure there's a question about the impact his choices will have in the long run but the "what about the children" card has been played to death. People who choose to raise their children in bear country should be equipped to deal with bears and if they aren't that is their own fault. It's not as though bears posed no potential danger until this dude came along and fed them. I'm tired of people expecting the world to revolve around their children and not taking responsibility for their own choices.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very controversial situation indeed; On one hand he isnt directly harming other people, on the other hand other people may be harmed by his actions if they chose to be neighbors.
ReplyDeleteAs far as him not doing science cause he has not written a paper?? What a bunch of hogwash; Take a look back into previous scientific contributions in the annals of time, and not all are spawned in a thesis environment; Geological discovies would be a great example; Many are stumbled upon
He is analyzing animal behavior AND influencing animal behavior - to say that what he is doing doesnt have a tinge of scientific understanding is an incredibly constricting view of the field.
There is one thing that charlie said on this show that is indeed very true; He never, at least visibly, approaches the bears with trepidation, and in such a manner has showed an incredible side to these animals ; That often times it is the paralysis of fear that makes the human being jump into "flight" mode and trigger an attack (sorry if that is considered a "victim" mentality); Instead, he reads their body language constantly and makes slight adjustments in his own reactions.
That is indeed a lot of aspiring scientists can learn from.
Its not like he is feeding these animals 24/7 nonstop, especially since in the spring/summertime these mainly omnivorous creatures fatten up on the shoots and berries that form naturally in the yard. So in that respect, they certainly are not , as animals "taking it easy" on him just because he occasionally provides them treats.
I think he is certainly exposing a behavioral aspect of these creatures that indicates bears are not all 100% rage filled testosterone freaks looking to maul you immediately. That is certainly a notable finding that one would never have been able to make without his experiences around the creature.
I'm not going into politics of right or wrong with this one. I admit I've always had a fascination with bears. That being said, we should all have a healthy respect for them, and go into THEIR domain knowing what we're walking into. I admire Charlie for showing the rest of us what good animals they can be, because so many just think of them as monsters. But I don't believe he should have "tamed" them to people as much as he's done. The babies now are growing up expecting him to always be there during hard times...and he isn't always going to be. Nature is hard sometimes, but it is what it is for a purpose.
ReplyDeleteI feel they should start a fund for his legal fee's. Charlie Vandergaw is only a scapegoat for the Alaskan laws and only because he didn't try to hide what he was doing. Once it became public and all over the news did they go after him. Timothy Treadwell was nothing like Charlie at all. Maybe if Charlie opened his door to more bear behaviorist to see and study the bears on his land Alaska might find better ways to deal with bears. I think Alaska should honor Charlie instead of looking to lock him up. But isn't that what most governments do when they don't understand things.
ReplyDeleteAll you 'animal lovers' who say Charlie should be left alone are living in fantasy land. Bears kill people. Bears who aren't afraid of people are more likely to kill people. Bears who expect people to feed them are even more likely to kill people.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about the area he is living in, but if there's even a remote chance another human is going to encounter those bears while camping, hunting, etc., he should spend some time in jail so he can think about the dangerous situation he has created. The law exists for a reason and utopians are not above that law.
It was neat to watch, but he should go to jail. And to Anonymous at 10:56 PM, if those bears hurt anyone I cared about, he'd need more than legal fees to protect his stupid ass.
Seriously you are only behaving like a know-it-all person.... the remote chance that you encounter a bear at all while camping and such has nothing to do with what Charlie did, in fact the person who goes camping, hunting and such should already know what dangers there are and thus be prepared before even trying these things, and as others mentions most animals are far more intelligent than we think, i would almost say that we are the ones who are stupid if you compare to bears for example since they dont jump to conclusions that everyone from one race is the same.
DeleteAnd if one of my loved ones were hurt by a bear, i wouldnt blame Charlie at all since he didnt tell the bear to do it now did he ? But if you want to think like that you should also think that its more likely that another fellow human hurt your family etc. than a bear but i guess you are far too ignorant to get that into your thick head & big fat pride as a "human", which i consider the most dangerous animal on this planet because of individuals like you who only care about yourself and not considering others.
//A fellow "human" ;)
im ashamed to call my self a human why cause humans unlike my self have made stupid laws for there own personal gain in this old world. As for charlie hes proven that we can all co-exist its not hard. just a little respect from both sides. we can learn so much from the bears and charlie is attempting to do this but ignorance is bliss if your to stupid to see the positive here then maybe you need to rethink it and be the outsider looking in on the whole picture not just a portion of the picture.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous at 3:53PM Many people who are now called "Pioneers" in a field were also called crazy. EX; Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Joy Adamson and her husband George Adamson. These people were also called crazy and now held high for what they accomplished. Charlie Vandergaw in years to come will be called a pioneer too. I have no doubt in my mind. As for bears attacking someone I also have no doubt that people living with in 200 miles of where he lives will try to blame him.
ReplyDeletewhat ever he does in his own property is not of your dumb business. he is alone by himself most of the time. alcohol related fatalities are greater the fatalities caused by bears attack, why is it that they do not try to regulate alcohol beverages. this is so stupid.
ReplyDeleteWith the country's economy in the tank, people losing their homes and the number of homeless impoverished people increases, more and more jobs are lost, crime is on the upswing - and this is what the government gets up in arms about?? We certainly live in a police state in this country now.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at how many people assume that because one man habituates bears to himself, that the bears will trust all humans. This is yet another human projection onto animals who are far more intelligent than we give them credit for. These bears have come into contact with many people who showed them hostility. Do you really believe that because one man is good to them they will not be able to differentiate between his and other humans?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, it is over the top human arrogance to assume that bears do not see people as individuals. Charlie's bears will not trust all people and wander into their homes because of his closeness to them. No doubt you will blame him for the actions of any bear that you don't like, but it is you that is the dumbass in not understanding the complexities of other species and making assumptions about them based on common thinking that has not been questioned.
ReplyDeleteI would like to think that when someone gets to Mr. Vandergaw's age that they would be allowed to do as they please unless it harms others. There have been 2 separate instances of people in Southeastern Alaska living among brown bears for many years. Brown bears are typically larger than the grizzlies that Mr. Vandergaw lives with and just as dangerous. I don't think these men/women fed the bears and all carried around a heavy batlike weapon to keep the bears respectful. They eventually moved to town when they were elderly.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with feeding the bears is that when Charlie leaves some of the bears at least will go looking for a McMeal from humans. And that is the unfortunate part of this story.
I think alaska should leave charlie alone. I marvle at the fact that he has be able to due things with nature that I don't see as wrong. I think alaska should concentrate on more important things like the polar bears dying off and whale populations are down. seal pups are starving because the mothers have to travel so far to find food thats the real pitty. leave charlie alone!!!!!!!! I wonder if precious buffy PALEN has alo to do with this. She Is an Asswhole!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just finished watching the whole 3 hours of this man's work on Animal Planet.
ReplyDeleteHow is it that they pursue a man who befriends a few black bears and Grizzlies in a very remote area far away from civilization but still allow airplane hunting of wolves?
Oh that's right, Sarah Palin now pays hunters to kill wolves!
Hunters kill mother bears, leaving their cubs to starve, where's the justice there?
If the Alaska Wildlife people make a big deal out of this man's life and work, it will only turn serve to turn the spotlight on Alaska's skewed laws toward wildlife in general and wolves, bears, polar or otherise.
Do they really want that spotlight to shine on them such that we find out how dismal a record they have regarding their laws?
Care2 has a petition site to help Charlie. So far over 500 signatures from all over the world. Let's make it 1000!
I thnk that was bunch of crap what they did to the guy, i respect him for what he did because he did what he thought was right and let nothing really get in te way if you have any arguments email me jarheadgto@hotmail.com
ReplyDeletejust they need to leave the poor guy alone..he is 70 years old!
ReplyDeletethis is the saddest syory i just watch a whole show about it just let the man be let him live with the bears he knows the risk just let him be jeeze he isnt hurting anybody
ReplyDeleteThe authorities action is a prime example of government gone amock. That is why people should be suspicious about any authority the give to government, they always seem to find a way to misuse it! My solution would be to feed the storm troopers and the department of wildlefe hinchos to the bears! Somewhere outside of Bear Haven, of course.
ReplyDeleteeverybody on charlies side should send a letter to the alaskan goverment to send to charlie! i did
ReplyDeleteI am ashamed of my government and the Alaska Fish & Game for harrassing a 70 year who feeds bears in the remote wilderness. We have lost touch with reality when the Alaska Fish & Game wastes tax dollars prosecuting an honorable man.
ReplyDeleteWhat an extraordinary feeling to know that someone such as charlie has given some people different perceptions on animals. Helping people realize that bears are not barbaric mindless harmful creatures, but beautiful peaceful beings that matter and are living beings such as any other creature on this planet, that have enough right as human beings. It is of their nature to react and defend, and show characteristics of being what they are. I wish people would realize and take that into consideration. Charlie is a wonderful peaceful understanding soul who is only trying to find peace of mind and happiness in this world, and living with bears is his heaven, his happiness. It would be extremely unfortunate if misunderstanding human beings would be cruel enough to take that away from him or even anyone. He has lived with these bears for over twenty years. He obviously has some form of connection with them and they do care for him. If they wanted to cause him harm, they would have already. Also, the action of him being at bear haven and feeding bears has shown no harm at all whatsoever to anyone for these passed twenty years. Therefore this man, should have the choice and FREEDOM of doing as he pleases, living in his own cabin that has already showed to cause no harm to anyone.
google: charles vandegaw petition
All of you Charlie haters, I bet have never, ever had something they loved so much and believed in that they would drop everything to channel their love of animals or what ever your in to. But what gives anyone the right to judge another mans passion. Any one that has a heart can see the love he had for the bears. For the man or so he thinks, that he is going to buy some land and retire with his wife and loved one.. come on we al know that you will never have the bal-- whoops I mean guts to even try and do what this guy did. He did what he set his mind to and he did it well! We need more men like Charlie, they are far and few between....CHARLIE IS THE MAN! Also give me a break jail time has he really hurt anybody... he is in a remote spot in Alaska for over 20 years, and no one was hurt or killed and for the camera man filming he knew the danger just like all of us. But I know my limitations, just like most men and women, come on jail time, and if he did get killed doing this well he did what he wanted to do and died doing it...so give the guy some credit leave him alone get a life , I guess we can just blame Charlie for all the people that were killed by bears.....dont know why everyone is so freaked out , not once did I see Charlie giving those bears free pilot lessons!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to agree with Charlie when he said "Don't criticize me until you walk in my footsteps." Name calling? "Dumbass" grow up! Charlie lives 50 miles from the nearest road and to my knowledge does not have neighbors he is "putting in danger." This is what Charlie lives for, but because to some it seems unnatural it must be wrong? Gimme a break.
ReplyDeleteI tend to be on the same side of the fence as Charlie. I live in Missouri and am an avid Pitbull lover. The attention a Pitbull can receive is similar to what a Grizzly Bear may receive. No a pitbull is not considered a wild animal, but is, by many considered dangerous, unpredictable, and a menace to society. Bull#!%@, I say. I have been around Pitbulls for many years and know with 100% certainty that there are no bad Pitbulls only bad owners, and I have rehabilitated several previously owned by bad people with the intention of making them mean. These same dogs are now the biggest babies I have ever seen. You may still be saying, well that still doesn't make them a wild animal capable of the damage a bear is capable of. If that is the case then please explain to me the widespread "Pitbull ban" that seems to be spreading throughout this country. This is a dog formally known as "The American Dog" as you will see if you do the research, but now feared for no other reason than ignorance.
Charlie is being harassed or "Shut Down" out of pure fear and ignorance and I think it's wrong. The comparison of Charlie and Timothy treadwell I find in most ways to be completely different, and although I applaud Timothy for attempting to understand instead of fearing the bear I believe he put himself in jeapordy by ignoring the warning signs of certain danger and did not take the precautions he should have living in a tent.
You may disagree with my opinions and that's okay, but I challenge you to find your own cause and leave others alone in theirs.
I just posted the comment and am the avid Pitbull lover and wanted to add something. I noticed by watching the 3 hour special that it's not okay to feed the bears in an attempt to coexist with them, but it's okay to feed them as long as you are going to kill them? You must be kidding me? We call ourselves a civilized society?
ReplyDeleteAfter watching his story I was inspired and hope he doesn't get criminal charges.
ReplyDeleteWho says humans can't live interacting with any kind of animals? That's the way the natural world can operate. Animals like being around each other. All these stupid laws --don't help them but it's ok to kill them off.
ReplyDeleteWhat no one is talking about is the friendships Charlie experienced that you haven't and most likely never will. I feel for Charlie and his broken heart and the bears that lost a friend. The people that invaded Charlie's property and got hurt, was there own fault. They searched out Charlie's place, it's not like they walk in from the neighbors house. Then when they got hurt they blamed it on Charlie's bears and not themselves. Then again they were humans and have that desire to destroy everything they touch and not learn to live with wildlife like Charlie did.
ReplyDeleteThey dont have much to do up there so now the HGH in the police is to a boiling point< they want to screw charlie as bad as they can (they love picking on the little guy) its the cop way!!!!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Alaska big enough for a visionary to live with the bears without the police state sticking its envious nose in?
ReplyDeleteIn the parts of Canada I roam, A fed bear is a dead bear...in other words, if you habituate a bear to a free lunch, eventually you will have to kill him. He doesn't understand that you ran out of food...
ReplyDeleteWhat human beings fail to understand is that WE ... are the stewards of the earth and all the animals in it. Through peace and love and normal interactions Charlie has shown that man and animal CAN live together in harmony, without the need to segregate or relocate or be afraid. And most humans are afraid to die therefore they are afraid of life, to live, to beleive and understand that what you think is not what it is, nor can be. What can be is so much more than most humans even dare dream. Charlie dared more, he has been blessed more with his experiences of realizing that men and animals can live together. Only those afraid to dare dream are those afraid to live. Being "practical" about wild animals is merely our way to placate our fears. We as the souls who inhabit this planet, should learn to let go of that which we were taught, and learn to realize there are new and completely different ways of life, than what those who are afraid to live, tell us.
ReplyDeletethese bears are not a pack of charlies pets,
ReplyDeletethey are wild, and would visit any area around there,you have less chance of a bad encounter because of charlie.
you buy land up there, you risk a visit from bears, go live in a city, ignorant folk are not equipped to live anywhere else,
best sell that land to someone who knows how to live with his natural surroundings.
I live in upstate NY in Adirondack Park.
ReplyDeleteDecades ago, when landfills in the area were open pits where all garbage was dumped, many of us would watch the bears feasting on our leftovers in the evenings.
After the landfills were closed, the bears did not attack anyone because they were no longer being fed by humans (and they did know the food was coming from us as we were right there watching and even throwing scraps to them). Although this is a rural area, it is more densely populated than the area around Bear Haven but still we were safe from bear attacks or even nuisance encounters with the bears. Apparently bears are smart enough to know that if one food source no longer exists they should search for another, and they didn't do that by bothering we humans. Also, if bears are the killers some commenters say they are, then how do they explain the fact the Charlie didn't die by bear attack decades ago. Most likey these people are hunters who justify their killing of bears and other creatures by perceiving them as having only the most vile of qualities. Mr. Vandergaw's time with the bears has proven that is not true.
I'd like to ask any readers who consider themselves friends of animals to visit the site AnimalsAsia.org. and check-out their Moon Bear Rescue efforts. I contribute what I can monitarily but have also volunteered to pass out pamphlets to solicit help for the bears; their plight is heartbreaking.
As anyone who does not have a case of dumbass knows bears CAN be dangerous; they aren't ALWAYS (they often run away from encounters with humans) and the guy who is sure Charley's feedings means they will approach his cabin and family is making a lot of assumptions. Bears are curious and may well do that anyway and the same results he suggests could occur in either case. He is one of those paranoid "blamers" who is morally indignant (jealousy with a halo) who needs to realize his family is no more valuable than anyone else’s and his imagination is not science or founded in reality. Charley is not hurting anyone and should be left alone. These animals are not "owned" by ANYONE and so their interaction with others is not "owned" by the state. This is just another example of government overreaching its valid authority.
ReplyDeleteSaw the program on animal channel and have to say that 20 years of experience is: "professor Charlie Vandergaw with licence to feed";)
ReplyDeleteYea we have learned from the program etc :)
Best from another professor...
I respect your opions.
ReplyDeleteHowever wild animals live by instinct. You can't tame them like a pet. Didn't we also learn from Siegfried and Roy who raised the tiger later know to attack Roy?
What are you dumbasses think happens with Mr. dumbassvandergaw bears, who agree with this.
I love bears but I do know they are no teddy bears, and Mr. Vandergauw put their lives and lives off other humans in danger I support with all my heart Alaska Officals who wanna stop this madness.
If Mr. Vandergaw wants to get killed who the hell cares he is asking for it! But what if a family with tree children encounters one off those bears in their home? That would be a tragedy.
Ask Roy Horn today how to interact with wild animals, the man found out even when you handraise a tiger there are no garantees.
Now you dumbasses gonna see a bear ain't no tiger, then you miss the point.
What I mean to say a wild animal is a wild animal...Mr. Vandergauw should be imprisoned for possible bear- and manslaugter!
That ain't no love for animals!
Give that fool a teddybear!!!
Nice dude, you are contradicting yourself... As you mentioned a wild animal will always be a wild animal thus it doesnt make any difference whatsoever with what Charlie did since they will still be wild animals as you yourself said. And by that your own point is invalid that he is posing a threat to others by feeding the bears since they wont become any less wild by that since they are probably more intelligent than you are and are able to see the difference between people