Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gorvernor Palin working hard for Alaskans in Miami.

Well she may not have come home with a fake baby like she did the LAST time she got together with the other Republican Governors, but at least she had a chance to work on her tan.

I must give a hat tip to my friend Phil Munger over at Progressive Alaska for bringing this very entertaining video to my attention.


  1. Gryphen! look her checkin' out your blog, pool side with a champagne coolie! LOL i'd demand a good look over those per diem reports. since she's running a transparent government up there. good golly....

  2. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I saw these pics on a celeb site. She makes me gag...UGH! Is the guy first dud?
    Yeah, Alaska be checking those per diems! You betcha! Or maybe that's a "Gotcha" media moment?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.