Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Garry Trudeau simply cannot stop playing with the Sarah Palin action figure.

Yeah I know exactly what Mr. Trudeau is going through. As much as I want to stop talking about Sarah Palin, I simply find that I cannot.

Maybe there is some 12 step program we could attend or something.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Are you trying to help her bring the End Times???

  2. Yes, and I cannot believe you figured me out so easily.

    I absolutely cannot wait for the Rapture to get here so that there will finally be adequate parking places downtown.

    Oh, and that I no longer have too see all of those "big hair" people walking around with their ridiculous sense of entitlement.

    I simply do not see a down side to the "end of days".

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Just a thought. Rather than try and kick the Sarah habit, embrace it. Start a "Where's Sarah" journal.

    She has got to have the easiest job there is, and she gets away with it.

    And about the end-days, isn't Alaska suppose to be a waypoint for the lower 48 and all that aren't raptured? I thought that was one of the themes of the Wasilla Baptist church.

  4. Anonymous10:24 PM

    The rapture can't come soon enough. But yeah, I hear you about can't-stop-talking. I know we're supposed to be over it and all, but it's been a little anti-climatic. I'm guessing she'll provide a bit of fodder on her GA trip. What a crazy, crazy girl.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.