Wednesday, November 26, 2008

80 people killed and about 200 injured as a result of terrorist attacks in India!

Gunmen have opened fire at a number of sites in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay), killing at least 80 people and injuring about 200 more.

Police said shooting was continuing and that the incidents were co-ordinated terrorist attacks. Gunmen have taken hostages at two hotels and a hospital.

At least seven sites have been targeted across India's financial capital.

A fire is sweeping through the Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai's most famous hotel which is now ringed by troops.

The BBC's Andrew Whitehead says a claim of responsibility by a little-known group, Deccan Mujahideen, may harden suspicions that Islamic radicals are involved.

What can anybody say about such a horrific event, except I hope the bastards that did this are brought to justice and the conditions which inspire this type of violence soon becomes a thing of the past.

My heart goes out to the people of Mumbai, and to the victims of these cowardly attacks and to the families they leave behind.

My only hope for the future is that Barack Obama will somehow find a way to inspire the rest of the world to start putting differences aside and start working toward common goals together.

I know that is an awful lot to expect from any mere mortal, but Obama is the first person in many generations who may have a real shot that this.  And in circumstance like these, hope is really all we have.

Below is a news video taken during the initial attack.


  1. watching right now
    well coordinated.....

    i hope we can bring some sort of sanity back to the world... and i hope the indian govt will deal with these terorists

    but these guys on cnn etc -- the speculation makes it so much worse

  2. Anonymous1:04 AM

    False Flag operation to go to war?


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