Saturday, November 29, 2008

Four years, and one day ago, this blogger started this blog of blue.

I knew it was coming but it sort of slipped past me, but waaaay back on November 28, 2004 I made my first post right here on the Immoral Minority.

I remember having essentially no idea as to what this site would really focus on, but I knew I would not bore people with silly stories about my cats, or my kids, or my personal life.  I also knew I would probably have a lot to say about politics, religion, and current events.  Though I was not at all sure that anybody would want to read what I had to say about ANYTHING. And at first nobody did.  But eventually I found my audience.

Now four years later I have to say I am very pleased with the direction that this blog has taken, the impact it has had, and the types of readers that it attracts.  I have always said that I have some of the most intelligent visitors on the entire blogosphere.

So thank you for visiting and I hope that your visits have been informative, or humorous, or enlightening in some way.



  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Gryphen I have added your blog to my daily read list. Yes, it is a bit salty but not offensive, nor do you use any words that I do not use myself. What causes me to read a blog are the ways the words touch me. When I read yours I laughed and cried. I look forward to reading more.

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Happy Anniversary and thanks for keeping it interesting! You are one of my few daily stops and I appreciate your point of view. I am hoping for many more years of your opinions.

  3. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Happy Anniversary! I'm celebrating my very first week in the blogs and hope in four years time we will all still be here blogging away.

    I've enjoyed and been inspired by your writing more than a few times Gryphen and was proud to add your link - good onya mate!


  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    your blog is part of my daily internet browsing it's very informative and sometimes funny. the lower 48 appreciates your sense of humor. hey what is happening to bristol palin, she shoud be about ready to have that baby hmm??

  5. I raise my mug to ya, Gryphen! You made the election FAR easier to endure. I enjoy your kind of snark. ;) Congratulations on your blogisversary and here's wishing you many successful years in ball-busting those bombastic blowhard GOPs! BIG hugs!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.