Friday, November 28, 2008

Terrorists who staged the Mumbai attack were told they would return safely by their bosses.

The gang of terrorists who wreaked mayhem in Mumbai for three days were made to believe by their Lashkar bosses that they were not being sent on a suicide mission and that they would be coming back alive.

In a sensational disclosure made by Ajmal, the jihadi nabbed alive by Mumbai cops, the group had planned to sail out on Thursday. Their recruiters had even charted out the return route for them and stored it on the GPS device which they had used to navigate their way to the Mumbai shoreline. 

This suggests that the terrorists were willing to undertake a mission which they knew would be very risky, but not necessarily suicidal. 

Sources said that the bait of safe return must have been used by the recruiters to convince the wavering among the group to join the audacious plot against Mumbai. 

Damn if you can't trust terrorists to tell the truth then who can you trust?

All joking aside this information is bad on a number of levels.  

One they were clearly well trained and outfitted for this attack.

Two they were Pakistanis which is going to make the tension between India and Pakistan just that much worse.  With the amount of violence that is all around these two countries this is a powder keg just waiting to blow.

And third this was yet another attack from Muslims directed primarily at Christians.  They seemed to be targeting westerners who are usually Christians and this just keeps feeding into the idea of a religious war the flames of which our country has been very instrumental in stoking.

I have my tinfoil hat on again so I will also mention that something about this attack seems a little contrived to me.  I cannot quite figure out why my antennae are up, but they are definitely up.

UPDATE: Commenter Jane reminded me that the terrorists also targeted Jews.  She was very right point that out.  And as we know the relationship between the Muslim and Jewish community is in even worse shape then the Islamic/Christian one. My tinfoil hat stays on for now.  


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    They also directly targeted Jews. By attacking the Hasidic community center, they killed 2 American Rabbis and the wife of one of the Rabbis.

    I agree, this attack seems very contrived, and I have no idea why they would be looking to stir up even more Pakistani/Indian trouble at this time - its too soon for holy day attacks...(everyone has holy days around solstice). Maybe they were getting bored? Maybe they wanted to throw India's economy further off balance - Mumbai is the country's financial center...

  2. first off, great website; i came across it right as palin was announced as the vp running mate. it has become a great one stop place for info, especially for the election.

    i do however have one point of contention: i know that jane said that they targeted jews, and while this may be true, the conflict is not muslim and jew, rater muslim and israeli; there is a big difference. and while i condone all the attacks, they were against westerners or people that represent the western way of thought, hence going after the jews as a way to get at israel. regardless, it was wrong, but i dont believe
    that these were anti-semitic attacks.

    one final point, and i know your site mainly focuses on alaska and american politics so this may not be to you per se, but people have been silent in the states to what is happening in gaza. that will divide israeli/muslim relations much deeper than this attack.

  3. i am with you = something doesnt sit right about these attacks. as for the muslim/israeli problem -- for the extreme muslims -- israelis, jews and americans are all the same - a target - even jews against the israeli occupation of the west bank etc all fall under the same banner for these terrorists. it is anti-semitism.


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