Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Joe Lieberman tears his lips off of John McCain's ass, swims frantically around, until finally getting a firm liplock on Obama's butt.

"Everything that President-elect Obama has done since election night has been just about perfect, both in terms of a tone and also in terms of the strength of the names that have either been announced or are being discussed to fill his administration," Lieberman said during a visit to Hartford.

Holy crap this guy is unbelievably pathetic!

Joe Lieberman is the human manifestation of the the Remora, a fish that simply cannot survive without being attached to a much larger and powerful creature.  

Once it was Al Gore, then it changed to George Bush, evolved into John McCain, and now he is frantically trying to attach to the sleek ebony underbelly of Barack Obama.

However this is exactly the kind of bottom feeder that Obama needs to kick loose.  He can use him for what little he can provide and then just throw his ass over the ramparts when he is finished with him.

Nobody would blame Barack one little bit for doing that very thing.  The guy is a naked opportunist who does not have one loyal bone in his body. For that reason he is dangerous and should be treated as if he were a poisonous reptile who could turn and sink his fangs in at any moment.


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Knowing that, how stupid are the ones who voted to keep him around?

  2. i so loathe lieberman -- a total douchebag asshole beyond any reproach -- but he so owes Obama now - and watch Lieberman tow the line now

    you are so right - he is such an opportunist


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