Saturday, November 08, 2008

Let's lighten the mood a little with Bill Maher and last night's New Rules.

I actually fell asleep and did not see them last night. (There may have been some alcohol involved.)

So I found them this morning, and enjoyed them so much I just had to share.

I am all about the giving.


  1. Just now found your blog, and I love it! The name grabbed me, because my mom, who raised me to be a good liberal, used to say that she was a member of the immoral minority. This was way back when the Moral Majority was first formed. So, good choice for the name of your blog! I am a fan!

  2. Thanks Shawn4lia,

    I like the name too.

    But I do think it may be one of the reasons that my local paper refuses to refer to me along with the other Alaskan bloggers.

    But oh well, I change for nobody.

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Don't know if you know of an earlier use of the name Immoral Minority. In the late 70's during the time of Falwell's Moral Majority, a bunch of Northwest librarians formed an Immoral Minority in reaction. The tee shirts had Immoral Minority on one side and "United we ferment, divided we rot" on the other.

  4. I did NOT know that, and that is cool, but I did know I was not the first to use this title.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.