Sunday, November 30, 2008

Perhaps it is time to finally buy that new Hybrid and invest in those energy saving lightbulbs.


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Yeah, that would be great for people to buy a hybrid. Problem is that the economy is so bad that most of the people are lucky just to have a used car to drive. Most people cant afford a hybrid because of the cost. Get real!

  2. We bought a used '07 Honda Civic Hybrid in March and it has been a great car. We got a great deal on it because even though gas prices were continuing to rise, most of the people where we lived were still choosing to buy larger vehicles.

  3. okay, that photo totally reminds me of some kid who asked me to go with him to a homecoming dance in the 8th grade...:::shivers and gags at memory:::

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I fail to see what the problem is here. Is this ad in favour of drowning the whole world so that we might rapid-evolve into fishmen? I really don't see the downside here. Drive a giant toy car, or breathe underwater... toy car.... or underwater... hmmm.... Its all those gosh darn liberals being afraid of a bit of change is all.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.