Monday, November 10, 2008

Sarah Palin talks, and lies, to the local press.

Q. There's been an enormous amount of information about you that Alaskans have been exposed to the past couple of months -- and lots of it very critical. What are Alaskans supposed to make of all this?

A. Regarding information regarding my record, that is now out there, much of it that was based on misinformation was a very, very frustrating thing to have to go through when the record was never corrected. And we would try to correct the record and too many in the media chose not to make those corrections.

(Translation: "It is very frustrating that I cannot tell a lie to the national media and have them accept it, instead of comparing it to my past statements or independent facts, and then reporting the truth! Just more of that GOTCHA journalism that I keep complaining about!")

Q. What misinformation are you talking about?

A. Some of the goofy things like who was Trig's mom. Well, I'm Trig's mom (raises her hand) and do you want to see my medical records to prove that?

("Do you want to see my medical records to prove that?" YES! YES! YES!! Is she actually offering to show them to us? Because if she is I want the Daily News to immediately follow up on that! And I don't mean tomorrow, I mean now!)

Q. One of the things that came up during the campaign is that you charge the state per diem for time spent here in Wasilla. Is that something you are going to continue to do?

A. We've always followed the law and fully disclosed all that. The choice there in many months of the Juneau mansion being re-plumbed and all the improvements being made in the infrastructure of the Juneau house, where we weren't going to be there anyway. Knowing that in the end it would have cost the state more money to do what other governors had done and that is either charge the state for hotel rooms.
(Right about here is where my head really starts to hurt!) Or the state rents you an apartment like they did for Governor Murkowski. We said no, we just won't sell our house, knowing that we're going to spend quite a bit of time here, especially those months where the remodels were taking place in the governor's mansion. And we would disclose my per diem, we wouldn't try to hide it ... trying to go above and beyond, not accepting any per diem for the kids or Todd at all, they've lived outside of the governor's house. Trying to follow the rules and doing what is legal and ethical and full disclosure.

( I LOVE this one. Translation: "Since I admitted on my financial forms that I was stealing from the Alaskan people then it should not be held against me. Right?")

Q. Were you aware that during the campaign there were some large protests in Anchorage against your candidacy as well as your handling of the Walt Monegan issue? What do you think about that and what can you do to bring those people back.

A. To bring those people back in terms of ... I wasn't aware of all the protests until like after they'd happened, I hear about it, a friend e-mailing me or something saying that there were placards out there saying whatever they would say. I think that's the nature of a national level campaign also. The opposition to our ticket on the national level, that's going to be expressed here on the local level too. The whole Monegan thing, I am glad that we've already gone through two different processes now, the personnel board, which is where it should have been all along, and the legislative investigation of it also. It's done. It's over. People need to move on.

(Translation: "This is really damaging to my reputation and I desperately need it to go away! And what makes these people, who I am supposed to be representing, think I have to answer to them anyway?")

Holy crap she is absolutely unbelievable!

Keep talking darlin, you are doing our work for us.

Update: By the way if you want to "encourage" Sean Cockerham, the reporter who conducted this interview, to pursue the release of Sarah Palin's medical records (especially the ones concerning Trig Palin's birth) you can e-mail him right here:


  1. Palin is hardly capable of reasoning or honest reflection. Quite scary.

  2. I would encourage everyone to email the reporter at ADN and ask for the actual medical records from the doctor who delivered Trig stating that Ms. Palin is the biological mother to Trig:

    E-mail Sean:

    or call 257-0344

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Wonderful work, Gryphen, especially the translations! I just discovered you last week and realized immediately what a negative bias I had already created about the people of Alaska. It was not at all smart of me to jump to such a conclusion, and I am grateful to you for sharing your insight and intelligence. Consider me a new fan. --FishEye

  4. We all have to do more translations like this.

    And Gryhph, you're a blogger, no reason why you can't ask for the medical records yourself.

  5. That is pretty Good! She is an obvious liar willing to fire anyone who disagrees with her and will not lead but will be led. That is why Eva Braun Palin was perfect for the rights fascist agenda.
    There are those calling for her to be the new Leader and to run for President in 2012. I mean come on get real!

  6. Love this post! Question: Are Alaskans going to demand that she stop her press junket and get back to work? And who's paying for her trip to Florida? Is that considered "governor work"? Or "Palin 2012" campaign work? I'm just curious how a fiscal reformer and governor who believes it's important to government "back on the side of the people" can continue these trips/interviews/appearances and not have some angry constituents.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.