Sunday, November 02, 2008

What the Republicans can learn about cheating from Marion Jones.

As we get closer, and closer to election day.

I find myself spending a lot of time telling people that this election cannot be stolen.

Obviously they are all Democrats. Republicans don't worry about such a thing.

You know why? Because election fraud is a Republican strategy, not a Democratic strategy.

So this post is for the very few Republicans who may accidentally find themselves on this site, most likely by accident, or because the McCain campaign pays you to troll liberal sites and your uneducated ass needs the money. So to you few hapless individuals I say this:

I dare you. I double dog dare you.

You think you can steal this election from the American people? Then you have no f**king idea who you are dealing with.

Obama's ENTIRE approach to his campaign was with the understanding that he was going to have to fight a corrupt Republican machine that will stop at nothing to win this election. And he is more then ready. The MSM which seemed shell shocked after Bush defeated Kerry in 2004 (I vividly remember Chris Matthews trying to make sense of how the exit polls could be so different than the actual vote tally. You could see that he knew it was not possible), will NOT be so complacent this time around. They KNOW that they did not do their jobs four years ago and they are ready to step up and launch numerous investigations if the Republicans somehow manage to pull the great switcharoo again.

And how does this relate to Marion Jones? I am glad you asked.

You see Marion Jones decided to do anything she had to to win as well.

To accomplish that goal Marion Jones took performance enhancing drugs. And she won FIVE gold medals in Sydney Australia during the 2000 Olympic games.

She was famous. She was loved by all. But she was a cheater, and eventually she lost EVERYTHING!

She lost her medals, she lost her reputation, and she spent six months in jail.

So this brings me back to the Republicans in 2008.

You cannot win this election without cheating. Everybody knows that.

So the minute this thing looks likes it is going in John McCain's direction the investigations will start. Bloggers will fill the internet with questions, and the authorities will respond. The streets will be filled with protestors, and the country will explode with passion and anger. This time the truth will come out. And when it does it will usher in the end of the Republican party.

You will be the Barry Bonds of the political world. You will be vilified even by those who used to support you. Your brand will be damaged beyond repair. You will be shown to be cowards and charaltans, deceivers and hypocrites, liars and swindlers.

Nobody will trust the Republican party again. They will simply cease to exist as a party.

And after the last eight years, it could not happen to a more deserving political party.

So go ahead, cheat. I dare you. I double dog dare you.


  1. Heaven forbid the MSM and exit polls weren't correct. Last time I checked it was ACORN, and Obama Campaigners who were illegally signing up to vote, or signing up Tony Romo, and TO to vote in Utah... Might want to check your facts with the ever so diligent and always unbiased MSM.

  2. Oh believe me I checked my facts.

    The allegations against ACORN are trumped up by the Republicans to make it seem that BOTH sides are engaging in questionable activities related to voting.

    The truth is that ACORN has been registering voters for almost forty years. They have often had some overzealous workers pad their registration numbers. ACORN flags those so that the registration office can find them and scratch them off of the rolls. It has been happening for 38 years and has not affected the election result so far.

    And even if somebody were able to get somebody registered multiple times, or have a fake person registered, how would that affect the actual vote?

    Once you vote, you are done. You cannot show up over and over again and vote as often as you like. They check for that sort of thing.

    And as for fake names? Well unless Minnie Mouse shows with her ID in hand to vote, it is very unlikely that the fact her name was put on a registration form for ACORN is going to result in voting fraud.

    Thank you for your visit and I hope you learned something.

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    We in Sweden have Voter's rolls, and voting Cards (sent out a couple of weeks before), and paper Ballots. No machines and no electronics ever.

    Just a tip. It’s for free ;=)


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