Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Why I support Alaskans for Truth.

Since Alaskans for Truth has become an actual Political Action Committee there has been a desire by the MSM to define us. And their attempt to do so has been flawed at best.

So let me simply tell you what I know about this courageous little group, and why I support them.

The first thing to understand is that Alaskans for Truth is made up of REAL Alaskans. Unlike that other PAC which is currently buying up commercial time all over the country and is made up of conservative politicians and other out-of-staters, WE are made up of people who have faced harsh Alaskan winters, chased moose out of our gardens in the spring, and cleaned coolers full of fish in the beautiful Alaskan summers.

We are Alaskans through and through. And we dearly love our state.

We love it enough to stand up for cleaning up its politics, repairing its recently damaged reputation, and earning back the opportunity to see the faces of outsiders turn to envy when they learn of the place that we call home.

And despite what you may read in the Anchorage Daily News or other media outlets we are NOT ant-Sarah Palin! We do not wish her any ill will, we simply want her to keep her promise for transparency in government, to honor our state constitution and abide by its ethics rules, and to put the needs of our state ahead of her own selfish desire to constantly be in the spotlight.

We have sat back and watched one Alaskan politician after another indicted and sent to jail. We have even watched the only Senator that many of us have ever known convicted of seven felonies! Do you realize how that makes us feel? How can any real Alaskan not speak out?

We simply want what every American should want. We want honest elections, ethical representatives, and the opportunity to ensure a better future for our children.

And yes we are bi-partisan. Though my personal politics are clearly liberal, the Alaskans for Truth contains liberals, moderates, and yes even one or two Republicans. But rather then focus on what divides us we have found a common desire in cleaning up how our politics are conducted and how our state is represented.

We have received support from ALL over the country. However the only people who set our agenda are those of us right here in Alaska. We cannot be swayed by contributions nor bullied into compliance, we will do what we believe is in the best interests of our fellow Alaskans. For us it is Alaska first, and politics second. Or in some cases even third or fourth.

The Alaskans for Truth have a website that you can visit to learn what we have on our agenda. But to understand what motivates us, you only have to listen to your own conscience. And if you want to join us then please do, we welcome ALL Alaskans, and any others, who truly want to make Alaska the "Great Land".


  1. You see... That is what this country needs. State by state. Border by border. A coalition of truth. Imagine if all states were to form such a coalition and hold their own rep's feet to the fire?

    Alaskans for Truth, I personally give you my blessing. Your endeavor is noble and I certainly will do anything in my power to try and dissuade any and all nay saying ninny's who think otherwise.

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