Thursday, December 04, 2008

Brand new Alaska Senator Mark Begich does not want 7 time felon, and ex-Alaska Senator, Ted Stevens to go to jail.

While Begich stopped short of saying Stevens should be pardoned by President Bush, the mayor of Anchorage and soon-to-be senator said putting the 85-year-old in the slammer would be “wrong.”

“I think for an 85-year-old man to serve time in jail, that’s not the appropriate thing to do,” Begich said in an interview with Politico. “There are some real bad characters in there. There are sex offenders and people convicted of doing some pretty terrible things.

“I’m not sure that’s the best use of space and time,” Begich said.

You know in Alaska we Democrats don't win as often as I would like, but damn we know how to be a gracious winner when we do.

Begich is exactly right on this one.

I disagree vehemently with many of the things that Ted Stevens has done in the past, and I believe his trial was fair and that he deserves to pay for his crimes, but I just do not think he needs to do prison time.

He has lost his reputation, been the butt of more jokes by late night comedians then I can count, and lost the only job he has had for the last forty years. That is enough.

Progressives pride ourselves on our empathy, and I think that this is one time when we should take the high road and let Uncle Ted leave the political stage without having to duck thrown vegetables or hearing insults from the audience.

We are better then that, and so is our new Senator.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Its too bad ex-senator Stevens CHOSE to commit illegal activity while in office. Why should he not be held accountable for his crimes? HE WAS CONVICTED. If it were you or I who committed crimes, we certainly would be held accountable. By his years of experience and age, he should have (did know)realized the BIG errors of his ways. He got greedy. I don't care how long he "served" in office. He CHOSE to do the wrong things & thought - obviously - he would get away with it due to his official and high ranking title of US Senator. That said it all. By the way: He is not MY uncle.

    A clear headed Alaskan & one who watched Mr. Crotchety wheel & deal for too many years.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It's totally understandable and admirable for Sen-elect Begich and others to want a compassionate outcome for this 85 year old - old soul.

    But. How many times does the average driver go over the speed limit before he or she is actually cited for speeding?

    That's my problem with 'Uncle Ted'. I'm flat-out getting my head around this 'first time offense' thing.



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