Thursday, December 04, 2008

Palin quickly corrects unreported financial exdentures for 2007. Updated!

Gov. Sarah Palin has added to her financial disclosure forms two free trips that she took nearly two years ago but failed to report.

Palin, who was Republican presidential candidate John McCain's running mate, made the disclosures last month but after Election Day, when she and McCain lost to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The trips were first revealed in a story by The Associated Press in October.

The free trips were taken in April and May of 2007 and should have been reported within 30 days under state ethics law. The Nov. 17 disclosure forms note that the reports were "not filed timely due to administrative error."

Bill McAllister, the governor's spokesman, said this week that the mistakes were made by travel support staff. He said he could not explain the timing of when and how they were caught but that it was irrelevant because the error was corrected.

In my opinion the only reason this Governor comes clean about ANYTHING is when an investigation is imminent. From what I have learned about the legislature recently they are even less likely to be Sarah Palin supporters then before she lost her bid for VP.

In other words it is very possible that Palin will soon face increased scrutiny from Alaskans and state politicians and she is hurriedly getting her house in order before the microscope turns in her direction.

Update: Fellow Alaskan blogger Shannyn Moore has more on this topic.

Update2: This almost slipped past my radar: Palin and husband Todd also received travel, food and lodging valued at $4,620.12 to attend a Republican Governors Association event in Texas, in April - gifts that were not reported until August, according to disclosure forms.

For the new kids in the class this is the notorious Governor's meeting during which Sarah Palin's water supposedly broke and she flew for 12-16 hours to get back to Alaska. She then drove past two large well outfitted hospitals and then continued to drive ALL the way to Wasilla to have her doctor Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, a woman with limited experience delivering babies and NO documented experience delivering high needs Downs Syndrome babies, bring little Trig into the world.

How interesting to learn that Todd was also at the meeting, and that if indeed Sarah's amniotic fluid was leaking, he did not insist that his wife immediately stop to at the hospital before boarding a plane, with no emergency medical capabilities, and flying for half of a day back to Alaska. And then, caring husband that he is, drove her for another hour to Wasilla on icy winter roads.

This story has never made any sense to me, and seeing it brought up again in this context just re-opens those old questions again.


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Quickly corrects? 2 years late is quick?

  2. which "HOUSE" in order is the bigger question....

    she got problems....cuz things are NOT in order..

    ( I don't think the 150,000 Wardrobe Mishap was her FIRST malfunction......ya know...)

  3. She was picked in part because she is adept at lying and her willingness to do so. I believe absolutely nothing she says!

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Can you list;


    under office supplies :)


  5. I hope all the truth comes out eventually about Sarah Palin - her house for one thing has to be something there - even if Todd did just have "buddies" help him, where did the materials come from.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Wow...she is the gift that keeps on giving. I truly believe that SP is unfit for public office including the one she has now. If I were an Alaskan resident, I would seriously be working toward her impeachment.

    Hey...check our Andrew Sullivan's blog today. He posted the same pic on Audrey's website, and revisited the crazy Trig birth story.

    How many more days till Bristol's due?....

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    It seems as if SP went to the Ted Stevens school of political corruption...oh wait a minute...she did work for his PAC.

    Sarah is cut from the same cloth as Uncle Ted, and firmly embraces the long tradition of corruption of Alaske politics,all the while painting herself as a "reformer". She has taken on nothing except those who got on the way of her blind ambition.

    Eventually all the lies, greed, and corruption will catch up with her, and she will be taken down by her own stupidity. I thought she would lay low after the election and try to learn a little more about the world and do right by the people who elected her, but I was sorely mistaken. Nope she trotted right off to Florida, Georgia, and PA to bask in the afterglow of the election.

    She will wind up just like her Uncle Ted...

  8. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Todd was in Texas too? That is new! No man would get on an airplane with a woman in labor. How the fvck could he explain allowing his wife, the governor, to birth on a plane. There has got to be one freakin journalist in all of Alaska that will track down that freakin birth certificate.

  9. A birth certificate will prove nothing. If the Palins adopted Trig, then their names will be on the birth certificate. We will need to see actual medical records that Sarah physically gave birth to Trig to prove she is not a liar. This story is never going away until she proves something, so if she plans on furthering her political career she needs to start answering the questions.


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