Monday, December 29, 2008

Bristol Palin's baby finally arrives!

Gov. Sarah Palin is a grandmother. The baby's name is Tripp, and he was born Sunday, People magazine is reporting.

Palin's daughter Bristol gave birth to the healthy 7-pound, 4-ounce baby in Palmer, the magazine reports on its Web site.

The full name: Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston.

Eight days late, surrounded by controversy, and a member of one of the most scrutinized families in America.

Welcome to the world little Tripp! And good luck with that name.

So this baby was also born at the Mat-Su Regional Hospital, this one in Palmer instead of Wasilla. Raise your hand if that surprises you. (Hold on there may be a chance that this baby was born in the Valley Hospital in Palmer. Gee the Valley has more hospitals then Anchorage!)

Hmmm I wonder if Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson did the honors this time as well. Enquiring minds want to know.

Trigg and Tripp, only two letters make the difference, I wonder just how many genetic markers are different as well.


  1. Good luck, you will need it little one. Best wishes to Bristol and Levi.

    Where in the world do they get these names....Tripp????

  2. "What a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg strange TRIPP it's beeeeeen..."

    I love that Sarah Palin's grandson's name is in a number of Grateful Dead songs!

  3. Maybe he can bring that up while the kids in his elementary school are beating his ass because he has a stupid name.

  4. Love the Dead, and hope ing for good things for that poor kid!

  5. hoping, not hope ing

    (I am not illiterate, just typing-challenged!)

  6. Trigg can't be Bristol's baby. Your inability to accept what is so patently obvious, merely because it does not fit with your hopes, reveals that you are slavishly devoted to ideology instead of reason and rational thought.

  7. Where do they get these ridiculous names?

  8. It's an odd name. In Stephen King's, "The Stand," the superflu epidemic that killed everyone was referred to as "Captain Tripps." That's the only Tripp that I know of. Or maybe that was just with one 'P'

  9. "Captain Tripps" in The Stand--that was "Trips".

  10. Trish,

    Thanks! I looked it up after I posted, of course.

  11. Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston
    So his initials are TEMJ. Isn't that a jaw disorder?

    I feel sorry for little Tripp. :(

  12. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I and many others do not think this puts an end to the Trig Palin mystery and the credibility of the bizarre pregnancy/birth story as told bt SP.

    No official documents, birth certificates, or medical records have ever been released or "leaked" to the press. Sarah's doctor who supposedly delivered Trig never came forward and went MIA when Sarah was announced as the VP nominee. Dr. CBJ only released a vague paragraph that never conclusively stated Sarah was the biological birth mother of Trig.

    Trig was supposedly born premature on April 18(5 weeks early), but was full term weight over 6 pounds, and was released from the hospital with Sarah the next day. A premature infant with known Downs Syndrome and the birth risks/defects that were very possible would be kept in the hospital for more than 24 hours and not be at work with his mother three days later, who traveled over 14 hours and thousands of miles leaking amniotic fluid before being induced (WTF?) and giving birth.

    Hate to sound gross and graphic, but three days after birth, you are still sore, bleeding, and changing sanitary pads every 3 hours. Oh yeah, and your milk comes in so your boobs are nice and engorged and leaking all the time.

  13. Reports in that $300,000 is what is being paid for pictures and story of the baby by People Mag... went up because of the drug connection. Guess that sells better than

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I'm with 5:05am, her observations raise still more questions? how could a premature baby be out of the hospital the next day. Most premature babies has to stay in the hospital a little longer than the mom, and then he has down syndrome, that along would have the baby kept in the hospital more than a day, because they require more medical procedures. Somthing is still not right with this whole story. How do we know this baby was not adopted. The picture showing Bristol on election night at the store does not look like an eight month pregnancy woman?????

    I guess we'll never know the truth, but you people in Alaska are closer to the source. Check birth records. they are public records.

  15. eduardo,

    Reason and rational thought is what Anon @ 5:05 AM today posted.

    Ideology wasn't even mentioned, but since you mentioned "slavishly devoted", maybe you ought to go back to that Sarah-Palinista .org place where you will find true slavish devotion.

    (ha, ha -- my word verification is "uncen"! :) )

  16. Gman...
    I think you have the Doctor's name wrong- it was DrKathy Baldwin Johnston wasn't it ?( the one that did not have OB priveleges at Matsui...)

  17. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson.

    I have NO idea why I wrote Smith. I have a note right here on my desk to refer to when i forget her name and I swear I read it right before posting.

    Bad blogger, bad!

  18. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I posted at 5:05 above...I am not going to sit here and insist Bristol is Trig's mom, but the photographic and circumstantial evidence point to Sarah NOT being his bio mom either. It just physically could not have happened the way SP herself has retold it.

    Let's just say that SP was in fact Trig's bio mom. Sarah has used her motherhood and children as a political qualification in almost every campaign speech and interview she has done since late August. Willow, Piper, and/or Trig have been by her side in MOST of them. SHe used her status as a parent of a special needs parent as a political badge of honor, and said if McCain/Palin ticket were elected she would be their friend in the WHite House! The fact that she gave birth to Trig was seen as a conservative credential by the wingnuts of her party.

    If SP was so pro-life and into being a mother, why did she hide the pregnancy for so long? Why did she even have to pray about giving birth to Trig as she stated in numerous interviews? This is a woman who said she chooses life in case of rape or incest! Why did she conduct herself in such a reckless way travelling late into her fourth trimester with a high risk pregnancy? Why did she choose to throw her own teenage daughter under the bus and expose her pregnancy instead of have her doc give a press conference of provide real medical/birth records?

    For someone who supposedly has traditional conservative family values and is pro-life she certainly does not apply them to herself and her family.

    These are the questions I want answered and to date no one in the MSM will ask. If Sarah Palin ever wants to be taken seriously, she should come forward with the truth.

  19. hey Gman...
    see here 's the thing- the only reason I remember is that I thought it was odd that the Doc's Name is the same as "daddy" Levi...cough...

    I wondered if they were related....but there in WasillabIlly Land maybe they ALL are related....????

    ( smith - johnson- johnston - what is the diff really??)

    ( I also spent way too much of August and Sept digging at her Doc's "history" .....which turned out to be as invisible as the Birth Certificate....)

  20. Anonymous5:18 PM

    How do we know a baby exists? Because People Magazine said so!? As relayed to them by a proud member of the Wasilla hillbilly clan? And rebroadcast verbatim by 1000 legitimate news outlets? We should write the obituary: investigative journalism is not only merely dead, it's really quite sincerely dead.

  21. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Why don't you people that have so little else to do with your time spend it on trying to figure out where Obama was actually born? There is way more proof about him being a "FAKE" than there is this little child of the Palin's! You all need to get a life, become productive citizens and quit leaching off the system like you must be doing! Who has time to sit around pondering and making up CRAP like this?


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