Saturday, December 06, 2008

Caroline Kennedy is putting her hat in the ring for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat and it could not go to a better person.

Caroline Kennedy has spoken to New York Gov. David Paterson about the Senate seat that will come open when Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes secretary of state, according to a person familiar with the conversation.

Kennedy reached out to the governor to discuss the Senate seat, according to the Democratic source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the conversation was private. The source would not disclose the details of the conversation.

As almost every other American who was alive in the 1960's I have a great and abiding affection for the Kennedy clan.

I grew up believing that John F. Kennedy was one of our greatest Presidents, and watched his children grow up on the pages of newspapers and gossip magazines.

The name "Kennedy" holds a lot of cachet in the minds of many Americans, and with Ted Kennedy suffering with brain cancer, the idea of Caroline stepping into the Senate in place of Hillary seems like exactly the right choice for Governor Paterson to make.

She is extremely classy, passionate, compassionate, and a good friend to Barack Obama. What more could New Yorkers want?

In my opinion with Caroline Kennedy in the mix the other candidates might as well give it up. My money is on Caroline Kennedy becoming the next Senator from New York.


  1. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Why is it everyone complains about Palin and her lack of experience, but Caroline's lack of experience is ok? Just because her father was some iconic figure doesn't make her great. You don't get to hold office based on what your father did over 40 years ago.

  2. The problem with Palin is not her lack of experience. It is with her lack of intelligence.

    I have no problem accepting a fresh face into a difficult political position, but they damn well have to be able to do the job.

    Palin cannot. Caroline Kennedy may fall on her ass too. But she has the blood of great politicians running through her veins and the benefit of an ivy league education to fall back on when she is confronted by difficult problems.


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