Friday, December 05, 2008

Andrew Sullivan talks about newest evidence that Sarah Palin may have skipped that whole pregnancy thing and had little Trig delivered by Fed-Ex.

Essentially there is a recently discovered photograph making the rounds of the internet, which shows Sarah Palin in March 26th, 2008. Not looking very pregnant at all. Here it is:

The picture originated from the site called Palin's Deceptions, which has been focusing on this story exclusively for many months.

Here is what Andrew Sullivan had to say about the picture.

Maybe this photo has been photo-shopped. Maybe Palin had an anomalous pregnancy that showed far, far less than her previous ones, one that went from close to nothing to a serious bump in two weeks. Maybe the angle in the photo is misleading, and leaning toward us her pregnancy is concealed. Maybe her fifth labor really did take 26 hours combined via a speaking engagement (as amniotic fluid was leaking) and an 11 hour airplane flight (when a birth could have begun at any moment at extreme risk to the child), and maybe the bizarre and, to my mind, incredible stories she has told about the pregnancy and labor are true (there is still a chance they are). But if all these things are true, the Palin camp has had months to provide what would be instantly available records to dismiss all and every "insane" blog speculation about this. And yet none came - on or off the record.

I begged the McCain campaign by private email and in a private meeting to give me something - anything - to kill the story off. I promised to run any evidence that would blow this out of the water. That offer still stands. Please make me look like an idiot for asking these questions. But they didn't offer a thing, asserting that even asking the question was an outrageous reputation-destroying offense.

Sullivan has tried EVERYTHING to get Palin to come clean, and nothing has panned out. I commend him for his dedication to the cause, especially since there are clearly others trying hard to shut him up:

Did you know that Sarah Palin-haters are still trying to prove she didn’t give birth to her youngest son, Trig? These tinfoil hat-wearers are as obnoxious and unhinged as the 9/11 Truth cultists who insist that America engineered the jihadi attacks on itself. The presidential campaign may be over, but there’s no expiration date on Palin Derangement Syndrome. Michele Malkin Dec.5, 2008

I will leave the gauntlet Malkin threw down about the 9-11 attacks for a later time, but what Malkin and others fail to understand is that there really is not an adequate explanation for the birth of Trig Palin.

Either that child is the product of her daughter and some unknown sperm donor, or Palin's water broke, she gave a speech in Texas, and then flew at least eight hours on Alaska Airlines to Anchorage, then drove 60 miles more to Wasilla, and had a bouncing baby boy.

So either she is a liar, or a parent with absolutely horrendous judgement!

If you have ever spent any time on this blog you already know what I think.

So is this the picture that PROVES Sarah is not Trig's biological mother? Probably not. But if you add it to all of the other photographic and circumstantial evidence it makes a very, very strong case against Trig being hers.

In my opinion this story will never go away, and when the truth eventually comes out Alaskans can finally say good-bye to Sarah Palin forever!

And that will be a great day indeed.


  1. it is curious that no one has come forward with irrefutable proof of her having been pregnant. now, i get that it might seem a bit sexist because not even Edwards has come forward with DNA evidence that he is not the father of that woman's baby, so why does a woman have to prove her pregnancy? blah, blah, blaaaaahhh. but as a mother of two kids, knowing what careful lengths i went to during each of my pregnancies, i have a hard time stomaching the whole leaking fluid, flying back home, driving past a hospital equiped for special deliveries, just so you can say your child has 'Wasilla, AK' slapped on their birth record. and i call BULLSHIT on those who say, "well, it's not like this was her first time at the rodeo, being it was her fifth kid and all." so the fuck what! a specail needs baby trumps the number in any mother's litter. it's a whole new ball game. multiple ultrasounds to make sure there's not been any demise during pregnancy, no new defect or overlooked complication, etc. you don't go all "cowboy crazy" and chalk it up to "i can give birth, skin a moose, and pack a couple hundred links of sausage without smearing my lipstick while the pit bull humps my leg."

    sorry. can you tell i'm just wanting to see this woman called out on her shit once and for fuck's sake all?

    now. i've got a date with a bar of soap.

  2. Gryphen, is anybody up there in Alaska on Bristol Watch? Today's the 5th. Levi said the new baby is due on the 18th, which means the baby has to be born by Christmas.

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    "Maybe the angle in the photo is misleading, and leaning toward us her pregnancy is concealed."

    The problem with this speculation is that a woman in her third trimester, regardless of her size CANNOT BEND FORWARD even if her ass was on fire!

    So even if she were carrying this bub completely inside whilst cramming her organs and bladder and colon into tiny little balls - (so as not to show too much) - the only way she would be physically able to BEND FORWARD would be to extend her legs to the back.

    In all the photos I've seen of Sarah between February and May of 2008 she maintains Beauty Queen Quality posture, regardless of how far along she claims to be in her pregnancy.


  4. Here is another website that is gathering information about the question of who is Trig Palin's mother:

  5. Jen, I totally understand and experience your frustration concerning this bizarre issue (I also enjoy your command of the language. And on this site, no soap is necessary. LOL!)

    House of Brat, we are ALL on Bristol watch. I have one confirmed siting from two weeks ago, but other then that she is laying low.

    Lynn, your point is absolutely dead on! And a number of us have made it before. There is just no way she could move the way she did in March and April if she was that pregnant.

    And Palinbaby question, I already have your site added to my blogroll on the left. And thanks for visiting.

  6. Thanks Gryphen! Personally, I'm hoping on a National Enquirer expose in January or February once Bristol doesn't meet that Dec 18th due date or the week after. I think the issue is going to spring back up in '09 in the national media because Palin made such a cow about folks asking for confirmation and then they backed off. That's just my gut feeling...

  7. I don't know that Bristol delivering on the 18th or near the 18th will prove anything. Bristols baby could come early or Trig could have been born earlier than April 18th. The question is whether or not Sarah Palin lied about Trig being her biological child. If she faked a pregnancy, lied to the public and carried on a false charade it says an awful lot about her character.
    Lets keep our eye on what the real questions are and thank you Gryphen for staying on this.

  8. about the photo- I guess I am confused? when is it from ?

    ( she does not like she is preggers in it that is for sure..)

    and yeah where is bristol ????


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