Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Daily Show for December 3rd was chock full of comedy goodnes.

Jon and the "George Walker Bush End Times Countdown: Walk of Shame Interview Series.

Full of laughs? Oh don't you know it!

And as for that 'baby boomers should retire, during their retirement, and go fight Malaria and AIDS" comment? Well I just wonder if Bush was suggesting a place like say, Paraguay?

And unlike Jon Stewart I am certainly not "going to miss him so much". Oh hell no.

And then the Daily show and Jon welcomed the queen of the bloggers, the lovely, Arianna Huffington. God I would love to blog with her!

Do you know how else you can get noticed? Have your crazy ass, pregnancy faking,end times believing, Governor run for the Vice Presidential position. Now that, that will bring you some attention.

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