Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did Dick Cheney admit to committing war crimes?

Well Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow say he did, and by God that is good enough for me!

First Keith. (And Jonathon Turley also weighs in with this legal opinion on the Cheney admission.)

And now Rachel. (And ooohh She has Ron Suskind on as well. This should be great!)

So there you have it. Our Vice President admits, on tape, that he approved torture.

The ball is in your court Congress.


  1. We so have to go prosecute Bush and Cheney and hold them accountable.

    I am hoping with all my heart that once Obama is in office an investigation and eventual trial will happen.

    I am hoping that the only reason it is not discussed now by the Obama team, is because if they made to much noise about it, then Bush will just pardon himself, Cheney and every one else involved before he left office - so it's if they continue to believe that they are going to not be held accountable.

  2. I think you are right LadyRose, PEBO is just biding his time. I also wonder if that isn't the reason why Pelosi and the rest stated they took impeachment off the table.

  3. Anonymous8:48 AM

    "I am hoping with all my heart that once Obama is in office an investigation and eventual trial will happen. "

    Don't hope. Do.

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Obama is never going to try to prosecute Bush/Chaney. Look at history, it doesn't happen, will not happen. Do you really think that Obama is going to be the savior? He is just the same as the rest, and he is proving that by the people he is appointing, just recycled politicians. If only the media would go after him like they have Bush then I think we would see his first scandal as he gets tied in with the Illinois Governor and his scandal.


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