Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sarah Palin about to get a raise. WTF?

A commission is recommending a pay raise for Gov. Sarah Palin and other top officials in state government.

The State Officer's Compensation Commission has issued preliminary recommendations for the salaries of the governor, lieutenant governor, heads of principal executive departments, and legislators.

It is recommending Palin's salary be increased from $125,000 to $150,000.

For what?

For spending three months campaigning for Vice President?

For charging the state a per diem for 312 nights she spent in her own home?

For allowing us the opportunity to watch turkeys slaughtered in the background during her press conference?

Or perhaps she deserves a raise for her hard work in helping war veteran hating Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss successfully retain his Senate seat?

Or perhaps she deserves to get a little extra for her hard work in sabotaging our chances of ever building a gas pipeline in this state?

No Governor! If anything you owe us some money back!

We do not want to pay extra for a flyover Governor who is so focused on her own political aspirations that she can hardly be bothered with any REAL problems facing Alaskans.

I think that we should start paying Palin for services rendered. Just like a contractor we will pay her when the job is finished and not a minute before! If I had to venture a guess I would imagine that our Governor would end the year in the hole. But at least she would put a little effort into her job.


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    She's probably saying to herself, "Hey, I'm a chief executive! Greed is all over the place... why not me?"

  2. "It is recommending Palin's salary be increased from $125,000 to $150,000.
    For what?
    For spending three months campaigning for Vice President?"

    That's very interesting. So, did Obama continue to collect his salary as senator during the 2 years he was campaigning for the presidency?

  3. You are in a shortfall in the budget, borrowing from the savings to make it up and she is getting a raise....sure I can see that.


  4. Quote from the linked article:

    As for the extra $25,000 she would make?

    "I would expect this governor to probably donate that to her favorite charity. Because I believe that she very much serves for the service, not the pay," said Halford, who supported Palin during her campaign for governor in 2006.

    Asked if anyone told him Palin would actually do that, he said no.

    Palin spokesman Bill McAllister said he didn't know what the governor would do if she got the raise, and that Palin didn't want to comment on the group's recommendations.

    I find it hard to believe that someone who would charge the state of Alaska for sleeping and eating in their own home would then turn around and donate the pay raise. Wait a minute, would it be considered a charitable donation if she gave it to that witchdoctor guy and he promised to try and get her elected President in 2012?

  5. Governor Palin has saved the state hundreds of thousands of dollars in "travel" expenses, and I guess she could have charged the State of Alaska for her family to stay in a hotel during the remodel of the Governors manison in Juneau, but I guess that would be wasteful as well. WTF do you people want, something else to complain about? Sarah Palin is the best thing to happen to the State of Alaska since statehood, everytime, we see her name or face in the media it is great for Alaska! A lifelong Alaskan, I have never been so ashamed of my fellow Alaskan's

  6. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The only bullshit is your post. Palin didn't request a raise. It was a commission that made the recommendation.

    The more interesting part is the recommendation to raise Legislator pay way up. Ironically, Legislators are making way more than it appears with their per diem. Take it away and pay a living wage; makes sense to me.

  7. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I have never read so many "whiner" complaints in my life. Why don't you try being governor? At least SP DOESN'T POTTY MOUTH ALL OVER THE PLACE. You guys have no class. Grow up. I totally agree with Anonymous up there. You're just a bunch of brats.
    Gather your information first and make an educated post, at least.

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I would still like to know if Obama collected his salary as senator during the 2 years that he was out on the campaign trail. And how many votes did he miss while campaigning?

  9. You mean the commission she herself appointed gave her the raise, so that makes it all ok?


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