Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gallup chooses Sarah Palin as the second most admired woman in America.

Gov. Sarah Palin was a strong second among the most-admired women, behind Hillary Clinton but ahead of television host Oprah Winfrey.

Sarah Palin beat Oprah Winfrey? How in the hell does something like that happen?

How can women admire a person who wants to dictate what they can do with their own bodies, treats little Trig Palin like a stage prop, and who reinforced the stereotype that it is more important for a woman to look good then to be capable?

Sarah Palin has badly damaged the future aspirations of female candidates who will now have to fight being compared to her in the media. Even somebody as popular and capable as Caroline Kennedy was recently described as being "Sarah Palin-ized", which is a made up term that will now be in the media vernacular for any female who fails to grant interviews.

I have no idea how many Republicans were in the polling sample taken by Gallup, but if Sarah Palin's popularity has jumped the line of partisanship the future of our country may be in some serious trouble.


  1. I am with you...who in the hell are these people saying this crap... they have to be off their nuts for sure. I see nothing in this woman to admire, in fact I see nothing in this woman.

    They must have just called all the Team Sarah

  2. this is just repuke propaganda...ain't true...

    ( I did have to throw up on my keyboard...shit)

  3. makes you really wonder how messed up this country really is...

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Maybe the rest of us are going about our lives all wrong and need to take a page from the Sarah Palin handbook.

    So, to be one of the most admired women in America you should violate your state's code of ethics, murder the English language every time you speak, force your pregnant teenage daughter into marraige into a family of drug dealers, lie about your accomplishments (thanks but no thanks,gas pipeline, etc.), and fake a pregnancy.

  5. first off, as always, love the blog. i left the states a couple months ago--after checking your site daily--and now use it to catch up on stories that i would have otherwised missed.

    but i will say that i am a little disappointed that you didnt mention anything about whats going on in gaza. i know that international conflicts may not be on topic, but you had something up about mumbai as it happened. its not like im coming to the site to find information about the international stories, but i would have thought that you would have commented on it; especially since most of the american press is ignoring it. its shameful what happened and its made me sick.

    ok, im done with my gripe...carry on. i dont mean this sarcastically, but sorry if i have come to expect too much from the blog, i do appreciate hearing your opinions.

  6. If you check the above post Evan you will see that I have weighed in on the horrific killing happening on the Gaza strip.

    I am unable to take sides as I find plenty of fault to go around. Ultimately I must lay the blame on religion.

    I am not usually one to respond to a commenter with a post, but it was a subject that I had flirted with earlier and your comment convinced me to revisit my earlier thoughts on the subject.

  7. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Wow this blogger really needs his prozac..... I hate people who try to legislate morality..

    Yes it must be religion to blame for how uptight you right wingers all are.

    I wonder what you would do if you saw two gay people, shoot them?

    no tolerance at all.

  8. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Maybe she beat Oprah because Oprah is a fat ugly communist who is a fake greedy rich person? There ought to be a law against making that much money. Who the f*** does she think she is anyway????!

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    PS - who is Caroline Kennedy and what has she done?

    Mayor of a town? Governor of a state? MOST POPULAR GOVERNOR? LOL

    What it is with these liberals that they worship the party of the rich and celebrity do-nothingers?

    Quit pickin' on Sarah just cuz she's poor.
    She is a role model for all of us... getting to where she is without all this help from the media to obfuscate her accomplishments..

    I can't wait to see what they will make up about Kennedy to call her 'qualified'.

    I mean c'mon... her uncle got a girl pregnant then drowned her! Her cousin killed someone..with a golf club no less...and her brother couldn't fly a plane to save his life and killed two others because of it.... talk about the immoral minority, scum rises to the top I guess.

    SHAME SHAME SHAME! You must HATE all those skeletons in her closet, eh? What no? This blogger makes me KNOW how messed up this country is.

  10. Oh, wow, no wonder the above 2 comments are by anonymous persons...they're so ignorant it takes my breath away.

    Oprah Winfrey is one of the most philanthropic people in America, with worldwide charitable acts, supporting schools in Africa, gifting many people in need in the USA, being generous with her audiences many times over, joining telethons to help raise donations...

    Like many other celebrities, and Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, she's given away millions of her earnings....spreading the wealth voluntarily... Since it's THEIR money, not anybody else's, that's hardly "communist". It's not even "socialist". It's "generous".

    And the poster just indicted half of the population of the USA by invoking "fat ugly".

    When the Palins voluntarily, generously give away ALL of the hundreds of thousands of gifts sent to the AK state capitol for the latst Palin baby, AND donate the $300,000 extracted from People magazine for the "exclusive" -- with documentation, not going by what Sarah the Pathological Liar says -- then I'll apologize for calling Anon #1 and #2 above ignorant.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.