Sunday, December 28, 2008

On the Gaza strip more innocent lives are claimed in the name of religious intolerance.

Israeli jets pounded Hamas targets in Gaza for a third day Monday, continuing an operation that Palestinian security sources said has killed more than 270 people.

Hamas militants, meanwhile, had launched more rockets into Israel on Sunday. Israel has said its airstrikes are a necessary self-defense measure after repeated rocket attacks from Gaza into southern Israel.

The U.N. called for a halt to hostilities, but Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said at a Cabinet meeting Sunday that the operation "is liable to continue for some time, perhaps more than can be foreseen at the present time."

Palestinian security sources said Sunday that at least 277 people, most of them Hamas militants, have been killed and hundreds more wounded.

If you were to compare the DNA of an Israeli to that of a Palestinian you would be unable to detect any substantial difference. For all intents and purposes they would be virtually identical. And yet they kill each other as if they are stepping on a bug, not a fellow human being.

They kill without regret because though they essentially worship the same God, they worship him in different ways, believe in different prophets, and selfishly accept that God has chosen to elevate their people above all others. Like two children fighting over the attention of their mother, these two destroy and kill to pay homage to their creator.

Is it any wonder that there are millions of us who are repelled by the actions taken in the name of God? When we think of religion we see divisiveness, prejudice, ignorance, homophobia, and sexism. I know that is not fair, but the examples which support that are all over the morning papers.

Gandhi once said "There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no cause that I am prepared to kill for". Gandhi was a great believer in the existence of God, but he did not feel that his faith allowed for him to take the life of another human being. If more people had the kind of faith practiced by Mahatma Gandhi this world would be infinitely more peaceful and substantially more religious.


  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    What would Sarah do?

    Please ask her.

  2. Hi Gryphon
    Good post. You make a very important point when you say 'If you were to compare the DNA of an Israeli to that of a Palestinian...' Wonder how many people see the irony there?

    Please check this out:

  3. Anonymous11:54 PM

    I follow your blog quite a bit and share a lot of your views. I really like the point you make about comparing the life of an arab with the life of an israeli.But I just wanted to comment on this post, contrary to popular belief this conflict is not based on religion. It is based on one of the oldest things people fight for "land".

  4. Yes Anonymous at 11:54, you are right that they are fighting over "land". But the reason that this land, which is not exactly on fertile soil or in a picturesque setting, is so valuable to them is because of its religious significance.

    Three religion claims this same area as the holiest place on earth. This is why they cannot live in harmony side by side.

    If it were not for religion what would differentiate them from each other? They would simply be people trying to make a life in the same place.

  5. It is never a Battle about JUST land, when people try to justify what they do based on Higher Beliefs and what guides them...and sadly THIS land is viewed by many as "Holy"...that is what has made this bloodier and more tragic....over and over...

    and always innocent people get caught in the crossfire...with no where to go..and no one to protect them or even acknowledge that they are in harms way...and many more refugees that have no military role....or place....

    your post on this is really good...I have not been able to blog on upsets me...and I can write without massive fuming cussing....

    shame on me.....

    thank you...

  6. Thanks Enigma.

    This was my third attempt at the topic. It makes me ill and I become quite angry at both sides, which makes it hard to put it into words.


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