Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keith Olbermann has a whole lot of fun with the George Bush shoe throwing incident. Perhaps a little too much fun.

Aren't there a lot of inventive people in the world? God I wish I had a talent. Any talent.

By the way if you have never watched Joel McHale and "Talk Soup" you must look it up on You Tube and watch it immediately. The show has some of the funniest shtick on cable. I kid you not!


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I agree with Keith...this just never gets old. I could watch the shoe throwing all day. The pathetic part was hearing Bush's reaction...he's so dumb he didn't even know the significance of the shoe throwing in the Arab world. Did he forget that the people he "liberated" beat the huge Saddam statue with shoes when they toppled it over after the initial takeover of Baghdad. What a retard...that journalist should be a national hero in Iraq.

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What did you expect Bush to say? Do you think he should have made a big deal about the shoe and how symbolic it is? That would be really stupid. Do you really think he doesn't know?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.