Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sarah Palin does something smart.

Palin says she didn't ask for a pay raise and won't accept one during her current term. That's from her spokesman, Bill McAllister, who says he talked to the governor aboutthe $25,000 raise that a new state commission is recommending this week.

It's unclear if Palin would give the money to charity - as commission chairman Rick Halford suggested yesterday - or simply not receive the extra pay.

"The point is she's not going to take it home. It's not going to end up in her bank account," McAllister said.

You know contrary to popular belief I have been trying to post something positive about Governor Palin. No really!

But in my defense, she certainly does not make that easy.

However turning down this pay raise is a smart thing. It sends the proper message. And it keeps critical bloggers like myself from making snide remarks.

But I am sure that had nothing to do with her decision. (wink, wink)

So let me give my full throated endorsement of Sarah Palin's decision to refuse this $25,000 raise. "Here, here Governor, I am proud of you for doing the right thing. So proud in fact that I am going to resist the urge to bring up the per diem payments for staying in your own home, the puzzling circumstances surrounding who paid for renovations to your Wasilla home, and any questions at all surrounding the bizarre circumstances surrounding the birth of Trig Palin."

Whew! I was not sure I could get through that whole post without saying something negative. Just goes to show what you can do when you really want to be positive.


  1. This is good news and I am happy for the citizens of Alaska. I guess I was wrong about her on this particular issue.

    See I can be nice too! ;)

  2. Hmmm......that's really surprising. I wonder if accepting the raise would have meant no more perdiem for living in her own home and which comes out to more money. But, maybe I'm being cynical. It's a good decision.

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    The Gov. also decided to give us the day off on the 26th of December, since the fed is closed, and schools are closed - and its a Friday...we're pretty happy and pleasantly surprised - a real break at the holidays!

  4. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Yes...apparently the per diem is not claimed as taxable income (?), whereas the additional $25K might put her in a higher tax know how she hates taxes.

  5. Just hope folks in Alaska keep an eye on her - she can "say" she won't take it, but when no one is looking it could get slipped into the paycheck.

    I'm waiting for her to say something about the racist emails that were sent around the government offices about Obama - her silence is deafening and sends the message that she condones them.

    Not saying she read them or passed them along - but she should still say something to show she disapproves (even though that would most likely be lie considering all the evidence that she is bigot in so many ways).

  6. Well, I'm afraid I'm not as positive as you are, Gryphen.

    Sarah Palin set up that new state commission herself, handpicked all 5 members, and for all we knew, instructed them to come up with pay raise recommendations for top state officials. It's not like she wasn't EXPECTING this!

    So, I'm just cynical enough to think she was also expecting to announce her own refusal of the recommended pay raise, thus signifying to her devoted followers, her "base", that she's the truly selfless admirable national-office hopeful they all think she is (and already, it looks like the ploy has fooled a lot of people).

    And it gave her another opportunity to call another press conference.

    Sorta makes you wonder why she's not having yet ANOTHER press conference today, as Lady Rose refers to above, about the forwarded-racist-email ethics question.

  7. Oh she will KaJo, she will.


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