Friday, December 05, 2008

Palin decides to do a complete 180 and asks for money to fund childrens programs. Yeah I am a little suspicious too.

Gov. Sarah Palin is calling for more state spending on children's health insurance, preschool and other programs, even as Alaska oil prices and state revenues plunge.

Cash flow into the state is shrinking as oil prices drop below $40 a barrel, the lowest level in nearly four years. Most state general fund money comes from taxes and royalties the state makes from oil. But Palin said the state can afford more than $5 million in new spending on areas like Head Start, obesity prevention, a test program of half-day preschool, and expanded Denali KidCare insurance.

"That means more working families will have health coverage. This isn't done lightly, a decision like this, and we know there will probably be some healthy debate stemming from some opposition in the Legislature over this," Palin said.
(God I wish this woman would learn French so she can butcher that language for a change!)

I have to admit that when I read this I did not know what to think

Was our Governor finally hearing the voice of the people?

Perhaps the fact that I had been wearing the button that you see in the image right below, and that I had given them to at least five of my friends to wear as well, had somehow shamed Sarah Palin into doing something for the children of Alaska. Could that be it?

Suddenly I felt strong, I felt powerful, I felt vindicated, I felt.....that something was wrong with this picture. Surely it could not be as simple as that.

So I read a little further into the article.

Palin, pressed on why she's now changed her position, kept repeating that it is an opportunity for more children to be covered.

Now where had I heard language similar to that before?

Oh yeah! It was in some of the speeches that Sarah Palin gave while campaigning with John McCain, in which she tried to paint herself as an advocate for children, and especially children with special needs. Something she had NEVER been concerned with before!

From October 24 speech in Pittsburgh, PA:

John McCain and I have a vision in which every child is loved and cherished, and that is the spirit I want to bring to Washington. To the families and caregivers of special-needs children all across this country, I do have a message: For years, you sought to make America a more welcoming place for your sons and daughters. And I pledge to you that if we are elected, you will have a friend and advocate in the White House.

This decision has NOTHING to do with Alaska, and Alaska's children. This is all about preparing the country to accept her as a sympathetic agent of change who is going to run for President on a platform of providing education and medical support to children with special needs.

Don't believe me?

Then let me predict the future for you.

After this bill gets passed it will quickly be followed by another bill which will focus on giving more financial support to children with physical challenges and a need for educational support.

Sarah Palin is simply responding to the requests of her handlers who want her to seem more caring and empathetic then she did on the campaign trail while attacking Obama. They hope that this approach will mean that she will have garner more support when she decides to throw her hat into the ring in 2012 or 2016.

NOTHING that Sarah Palin does has a single thing to do with Alaskans. It is all to further her political agenda, and if some of our citizens benefit, well that is only an accidental side effect.

Damn! And here I was hoping it was just my button.


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I think you are right on the money.
    Even if the bills don't pass due to financial constraints, she will say she advocated for children's medical needs.
    She doesn't have to explain that the bills didn't pass, just like the bridge to no where and the plane on ebay.

    If there is no one that will question her, what difference does it make?

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Regardless of her motivations (and I think you make good points), we progressives should do our best to see that this legislation passes. If it takes Presidential ambitions to expand health care coverage for children and wipe out the wait list for special needs services, we should do it. The rest of Palin's record will still be there in 2012, as will be Obama's.

    If she couldn't close on the "inexperienced" argument on Obama in 2008, she won't be able to touch it in 2012. We can afford to help Alaska's children.

  3. I agree anonymous, and I will definitely support this passage of the bill.

    My only point in making this point was to stick a red flag in the tundra to remind people that even if Palin is acting the part, she is still not truly interested in Alaska accept as a means to an end.

    Personally I just hate being used.

    But hey thanks for the increased funding for education, we could really use it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.