Thursday, December 18, 2008

Palin fails to condemn racist e-mails circulating on Alaska state government computers about President-elect Barack Obama.

Alaska officials are investigating racist jokes about President-elect Barack Obama that have been circulating on state government e-mail accounts.

One of the five e-mails obtained by The Associated Press asks what was the outcome of the Democrat's victory after all the time and money spent, and concludes: "Another black family living in government housing!"

I find this particularly disturbing following a conversation I had with my brother, who works in a local parts department here in town, in which he told me about dozens of conversations he had with customers who were openly racist and small minded. They made unbelievably hateful comments about Obama and even suggested that he would not last long in office if he was elected.

I was absolutely amazed that there were still so many Alaskans who were willing to express that kind of hate publicly.

My brother told me I was naive, and perhaps he is right.

Three of the racist messages were confirmed by the state's information technology division after an electronic search of the government's e-mail system, Administration Commissioner Annette Kreitzer said Wednesday.

"It's embarrassing to the state," she said.

Yes it is very embarrassing especially since it comes on the heels of the horrible rallies that Sarah Palin held while running for Vice President which seemed to be spilling over with racial hate and intolerance. I had hoped with those now behind us we could concentrate on repairing our damaged reputation around the world.

And speaking of Palin where is she on this subject?

Kreitzer said she alerted the office of Gov. Sarah Palin - the failed Republican vice presidential candidate - about the e-mails.

Bill McAllister, Palin's spokesman, said in an e-mail that the matter concerned individual actions taken by a handful of state employees among thousands.

"My understanding is that the Department of Administration is following up on this with the individuals who took action to forward the offensive e-mails," he said. "This is, of course, a confidential personnel and disciplinary matter that has nothing to do with the governor's office."

Just another example of how completely tone deaf this administration is when it comes to public relations.

Like it or not Sarah Palin is the face of Alaska, and if she does not come out in opposition of these horrendous e-mails then it appears by her silence that she simply does not personally find them offensive. Which sadly seems to reinforce some very disturbing rumors that circulated about Palin at the beginning of her national campaign.

I am afraid looking to Sarah Palin for help in demonstrating the goodness of Alaskans is just a waste of time.

Her actions, or in this case her inactions, serve once again to shame all Alaskans.

P.S. My friend AKM also did an excellent job of covering this story over at Mudflats.


  1. Backs up all those things that were said about the rallys and her smiling when the shouts came from the crowds of people who were nothing but redneck racists. That's why the core group of people who are her followers are from the deep south.
    What can she say about the emails. She is busy cleaning her computer.
    It is very easy to find where they came from. You know that just as well as I do. There is always a trail.

  2. Some other questions about Sarah Palin's behavior and ethics seem to have been sailing under the national media ("the MSM") radar for the most part these past few months...

    ...but if anything is going to get the MSM's attention FINALLY, maybe this racist-e-mail-forwarding ethics issue will.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    The campaign chickens have come home to roost.

    Palin was quick to condemn arson at a church she occasionally attended- before the fact of arson was established.

    Why isn’t she equally quick to condemn racism? The fact that it involved state resources (time and equipment) makes the argument for condemnation- and a full investigation with appropriate punishment- even more compelling?

    Maybe expressing concern about racist actions by state employees doesn't play with the base as well as criticism of arson at a (predominantly white) church by persons unknown.

    Palin’s silence may be deafening; it also speaks volumes about her true values- and motives.

  4. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Sarah should tell all those state employees to do what she does - use a Yahoo account!

  5. It is saddening to know, that in this day and age of racial cooperation, tolerance, and respect for individuals regardless of their ethnic background, that we have public leaders such as Governor Sarah Palin, Saxby Chambliss, journalist such as Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and others, who in every un-Christian remark they make, or failure to speak out in condemnation of racism, are only taking part in the hatred and animosity that threatens to destroy the nation.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.