Excitement is building in Alaska over the impending birth of the newest member of the Palin clan.
Apparently the stress has been so intense that at least one family member turned to Oxycontin to control her emotions.
Alaskans have stayed vigilant hoping to catch a glimpse of the Bristol Palin baby bump, which must be ginormous since (as you can see in the photo to the left) she was already quite large at four and a half months. I mean she should be the size of a house about now. Which sort of confuses me since the picture directly below this one, taken on November 4th, shows that Bristol is not really that much bigger. (Do women get smaller as they approach the due date?)

Oh well none of that is important now. All that is important is that our Governor will soon be a "Grand-Governor" and that is blessed news indeed.
And with the other grandmother facing drug charges then all of the supportive grandparenting may fall squarely on Sarah Palin's slender shoulders.
So stay tuned kids! No matter what happens we know it will not be boring!
After reading this:
I have one or two questions: Will the open, transparent maverick reformer be ethical, and disclose the source of 87 boxes of gifts for Bristol and the grandbaby in "Sarah's mailroom?"
Does that mean the "state government" mailroom, so state employees are handling gifts from persons unknown for the Palins, or has Sarah delegated that task to Todd and Piper?
Speaking of gifts, the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act prohibits the acceptance or receipt of gifts "under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift is intended to influence the performance of official duties, actions, or judgment." Without full disclosure of the source of the gifts, Alaskans cannot know if they are from lobbyists, corporate officers, or others who have business before the state.
The same statute requires the reporting of any gift by "a public officer who knows or reasonably ought to know that a family member has received a gift because of the family member's connection with the public office held by the public officer." It is clear that Sarah Palin knows or reasonably ought to know that her daughter Bristol is receiving 87 boxes of gifts in the governor's own mailroom because of Bristol's relationship to the public officer.
Put another way, does anyone reasonably believe that Bristol Palin would be receiving all these gifts, or that they would be sitting in "Sarah's mailroom" presumably being accepted and handled by state employees, if her mother was not the governor?
What's Bristol Palin doing in that 11/04/08 picture, trying to decide between Lay's Potato Chips and Thundermuck Chocolate Truffles?
Or, a suggested caption for the picture: "We're here to HELP you, Bristol..." "No, no, no -- I'm not going to take it any more! I've had it with all of you RNC doofuses, I want OUT, and you can't stop me!"
Which is about when Bristol dropped out of sight...
Typically a teenager would not be that big at four and a half months on her first pregnancy. Many women don't wear maternity clothes until their fifth or sixth month the first time around. But with a second baby you are busting out the maternity jeans at 3 or 4 months.
ReplyDeleteNow Sarah, on the other hand, really pulled a number on us the fifth time around...seems like as a 44 year old fifth timer Sarah was able to hide her preganacy for 7 months, and didn't even look pregnant unti she was 8 months! WOW...she needs to do her fellow women a favor and tell us her super pregnacy and slim down secrets. Even Nicole Kidman had a bigger 8 month belly than SP did.
God this family is fucked up....
Bristol had postpartum baby weight in the black dress photo, which would have been perfectly normal after the birth of Trig.
ReplyDeleteWell, let's just hold on. No news conference yet. No actual baby pics yet. No hospital, doctor or family announcement of actual birth. No actual news story.
i'm honestly quite curious to see how this plays out. you'd think somewhere, someone would be blabbin' about being in an OB/GYN's waiting room the same time Bristol and what's his nuts were there. i mean, she IS having prenatal check-ups, right??? or has the AK budget crisis meant no funding for prenatal health care for unwed, teen moms?
ReplyDeleteno one has come out saying they've seen her in all her pregger glory? no one but great gramps?
My heart goes out to Bristol.
ReplyDeleteBut the truth about Sarah Palin needs to come out. Though the birth of Bristol's baby due soon, won't necessarily prove much about who is Trig's birthmother.
On my xmas wish list - proof of who is Trig's birthmother, the source of Palin's house and how they got it built for nothing (where did the supplies come from and who helped), and all the other unethical behavorior she indulges in revealed.
ReplyDeleteNot that I have seen anywhere online. Sarah and company don't realize when you dig a hole with lies, the truth will come out eventually. If history is any indication, it won't be pretty when that happens. Most likely they are thinking up another lie to cover the growing list they already told.
ReplyDeleteStill no baby, and we wait.
ReplyDeleteI'm still thinking this baby is not really due yet....AND/OR baby Trig was born a few weeks earlier than April 18th.
trish in SW FL