Sunday, December 07, 2008

Your Sunday evening moment of Zen

I don't post about it very much but one of my great passions is studying the history of Martial Arts. Especially in China.

I started training when I was the same age as this boy in the video. Though unlike him I was all Caucasian and clumsy.

However my teacher was a very patient man and he really brought out the best in me.

I owe him a great deal, and his lessons still guide my actions to this very day.

Anybody who believes that Chinese martial arts is all about kicking and punching could not be more wrong, and I respectfully suggest that they watch this video a few times until they are enlightened as to the beauty of Gung Fu.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    My son's dad was skilled in Karate - I wish more boys were exposed to it's mental discipline as it's something that serves you well throughout your life.

    Thanks for the vid Gryphen - took me back to good times :0



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