Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission identifies its Top Ten Instances of Christian Bashing in America in 2008. You are not going to believe this.

This list is so full of paranoia and persecution complexes that I have to believe that MOST true Christians would not even want to be associated with it.

However I was very struck by the examples that made the top three.

INSTANCE #3: Barack Obama Defames Christianity
According to research into President Elect Obama's own statements about faith, and an examination of Obama's position on moral issues, CADC has determined that by any biblical and historic Christian standard, Barack Obama is not a Christian, although he claims he is a "devout Christian."

"By any biblical and historic Christian standard". What does that mean? Obama's dedication to his faith, and his church attendance, are demonstrably much more impressive then George Bush's were when he first ran for President.

President-elect Obama has had to defend his choices as it relates to his religion at least four times in the recent past.

First when the Republican political machine accused candidate Barack Obama of being a Muslim. (Apparently his name made it almost impossible for them to accept that he was not a radical Islamic extremist.)

Second when his pastor Jeremiah Wright's fiery rhetoric defined him as the "wrong kind of Christian". (Obama tried to support his good friend and pastor until Reverend Wright made such a defense impossible for the Democratic candidate.)

Third when Barack Obama had to defend his participation in a televised forum held at Rick Warren's Saddleback church, with opponent John McCain. (Rick Warren's past statements comparing gays to child abusers made him an even more controversial religious figure for Obama to associate with then the reverend Wright. Well in some circles at least)

And for the fourth example we have the return of Rick Warren, now giving the invocation at Obama's inauguration which has angered many in the Democratic base.

Does anybody remember George Bush having to defend HIS faith against attack when HE ran for President in 2000? No? So WHOSE faith does not achieve the "biblical and historic Christian standard" of a TRUE Christian?

INSTANCE #2: Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin Is Attacked
Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, came under sharp attack by some in the mainstream media because she self-identifies as a Christian. The Washington Post published a cartoon by Pat Oliphant mocking Palin because she has a background as a Pentecostal/Charismatic Christian. A suspicious arson fire at Sarah Palin's home church recently caused over $1,000,000 in damage.

Just for the record Sarah Palin was NOT attacked for being Christian. She was attacked for allowing an African minister, who became famous for driving "witches" from their villages, to pray over her in a church that taught its congregation to prepare for a battle with the forces of evil in Wasilla, where they believed Jesus was going to make his triumphant return any day.

She was also called out on her belief that Creationism should be taught in science classrooms, and for her stand against abortion and sex education.

It is not the fact that she is a Christian that is the problem for many people. It is the KIND of crazy ass, literal bible believing fundamentalist Christianity that her old church taught her to believe in that is the problem.

And finally, the #1 Christian Bashing Instance in America for 2008...

INSTANCE #1: Radical Homosexuals Assault Prop 8 Marriage Supporters in California
During and after the November campaign stories flooded in of pro-Prop 8 signs being taken, people verbally and physically assaulted, church property and private automobiles vandalized, and person's jobs and pastor's lives threatened simply for exercising their right to campaign and vote in support of traditional marriage.

Well you certainly cannot have a list like this without including "teh gays". It would be like building a tree fort and leaving out the tree. Some things are just vitally important to the Christian sense of righteousness. However it is important to note that "teh gays" only had a problem with the Mormon church AFTER they helped to create a change in the California state constitution to define marriage as solely between people of the opposite sex.

So go ahead and click the title, read the entire list, and then meet me right back here. I have something I want to say.

Done? Good. Here is what I want to say. Bullshit!

Too direct? Oh well, too bad because the list is bullshit.

Look you cannot claim to be persecuted if your religion is the most powerful religion in the world.

You cannot claim persecution if almost ALL of your politicians claim to share your faith.

You just cannot do it.

This kind of victim mentality is becoming epidemic in the Christian community and it is simply ridiculous. Sarah Palin has embraced it to get more media attention and to find a scapegoat for her sliding poll numbers. The Mormon church has embraced it to explain the backlash they received after they helped push through Proposition 8. And even Obama buddy Rick Warren has embraced it to explain why so many people do not want him to give the invocation. (Not that whole "gays are like pedophiles" thing.)

There are plenty of real victims in this world. But the Christian religion? Not so much.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Here is a real good link about "what type of christian" Barbie is....
    Oh yeah....she's a regular christian all right, Joel's Army, Killing Mother Theresa and Princess Di with their prayers...?
    Oh yeah, these links will blow your mind, shows exactly where she coming from and why she won't help her fellow man...!!!!!


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