Friday, January 09, 2009

The Daily Show, A Presidential Rogues gallery, and Joe the Plumber chooses his final resting place.

You know I sometimes have trouble "pronounciating" some names as well. For instance I am just not sure I am pronounciating "douchebag" correctly.

Does that sound right to you Joe?

Well does it you "your fifteen minutes of fame has been over for a month, why is anybody still talking about you" douchebag?


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Perhaps SayPay could join Joe, as they will both be protected by Christ and such.
    Just sayin'.
    And also.

  2. such as....

    "I read EVERYTHING".....omg....

    Douchbagress ?
    IS there a class where she is going to learn how to Extend her 15 minutes of Douchbaggery ?

    WHEN is it over...

    (it's like the Never ending Root Canal...)

  3. BTW I am making yet another blog....just for you and Alaska Bloggers- I will let you know when it is ready....( yeah- it is Sarah Mocking Blog ;-)

    hey how are you ?

    SOooooo HOW COLD is it today ? are you above zero ?

    hang in there..

  4. It was zero for a little while today.

    Almost "shorts weather"! LOL!

  5. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Is it just me or are liberals getting meaner and more hateful lately? You keep on saying you are not going to talk about Joe anymore, but yet you still do. Mainly just to call him names. Someone offered him money and an opportunity to do something and he took it. Is he qualified, no. but you can not blame him for trying to do something new and for taking the chance. Or maybe you can and just call him a douchebag. Stay classy.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.