Monday, January 26, 2009

The Emmonak story continues to pick up steam in the national media.

The link in the title leads to The Video Cafe which does a great job of telling the Emmonak story as well as providing links to all of the Alaska progressive blogs that pushed the story until it could no longer be ignored.

I am very interested to see what Sarah Palin will do now that this story is getting so much national attention.

Anybody want to venture a guess?


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    In terms of what the BDB (brain dead bimbo) will do given the national publicity. That's easy....a grand gesture to cover her a--!

  2. i'm one of the people who believes that more national media should hop on this story, as my prior comments make clear, so i have a new tactic to suggest.

    go to a big paper/tv station/blog (what exactly is huffington post, in journalistic terms, anyway?) email them thru their direct contact link, but also try:

    search "palin" on their site. see what reporters have covered her, in any capacity (recently preferred, not required,) and email them directly, encouraging them to implore their editors to cover the story -mention that the LA times has already covered it (i included that story link in my emails).

    most papers will give each reporter an email link when you click their name/bio.
    -and reporters hate to be "behind the times."

    everyone (especially people in the lower 48 like me,) tell the papers this is important!

    thank you all,

    laura in IL

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    "Margaret and Helen" mentioned it on their most recent blog entry.

    Where can I find the snail mail address to send a donation?


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