Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Just what does make the Palin family choose those bizarre names for their children?

Who can doubt granny Sarah is the mastermind behind Tripp Easton Mitchell, the name of Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston’s newborn child?

Tripp’s name follows the tradition the Palins started when they named their first son Track. Now a 19-year-old soldier, Track was named for, well, that circular pathway people run around. It’s a word name, it’s a place name, it begins with T just like Todd’s. And it’s a truly original name with genuine personal meaning.

Younger son Trig Paxson Van’s name follows the pattern set with Track: Trig is Norse for “true” and Paxson is a snowmobiling area in Alaska.

And now grandbaby Tripp Easton Mitchell’s name fits the same mold, with Tripp a one-syllable, it’s-not-really-a-name name starting with T, presumably as a tribute to Todd. The infant even has Todd’s middle name, Mitchell, as one of his middle names; out-of-the-box middle naming is another Palin baby name trademark. And Easton references a place like so many of the other Palin names.

Baby-mama Bristol’s own name, along with her sister Willow’s, is a place name. Daughter Piper’s name was chosen partly because of the airplane and partly because, as Todd has said, “it’s cool.” Piper’s middle name is Indy, as in Jones, 500, and movie.

To me this is just another obvious indication of Sarah Palin's selfishness.

She gets all kinds of attention from people asking her about the "interesting" names she has chosen for her children, with apparently no concern whatsoever as to how these children will be teased by their peers later on in life.

Maybe THAT is why so far none of her children have successfully finished high school!

And I find it particularly sad to see Bristol following the same pattern of behavior. I mean"Trig" and "Tripp"? Really?

How soon can you put your children into self defense classes anyway?


  1. somehow I'm beginning to think Sarah Palin is a sociopath.

  2. To complete the story of the T's:

    Todd \t(o)-dd\ is pronounced tahd.

    It is of Middle English origin, and its meaning is "fox". The name possibly refers to a fox hunter. It remains a dialectal word for a fox in some parts of Britain. Tod is a Scottish nickname for a clever or wily person.

  3. I also read somewhere that it was for Trip----le...like 3... Tr..ack
    Tr--igg.... and now .. Tr...ipp.

  4. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Wouldn't it be a riot if the baby (Tripp) is born a girl (ultrasounds are not always accurate). And yes, I don't believe that s/he's been born yet.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You talk as if the baby Tripp was already born. Like the poster at 5:56, I'm very skeptical. Has anyone seen any photos of the Palin/Johnston bundle of joy?? Has anyone seen a post-partum Bristol out and about? Nothing about this story makes any sense!

    "Immoral Minority fan in Oregon"

  6. and wasn't the "new mommy" supposed to go back to HS this week? Surely if she did re-enter HS, some reporter with a camera would have been there!

  7. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Turd starts with a T and is one syllable.

  8. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Alright, you will think I am crazy, but the girls' names are cute...I sincerely like the name Willow, and think the other two sound unique but girly.

    Track, Trig, and Tripp are just plain dumb. And I'm with purplegranny and the other posters...Tripp hasn't been born yet, so I hope they are absolutely certain it was a penis on the ultrasound. Oh yeah, and Brsistol's not going back to high school...another lie

  9. Anonymous6:02 AM

    The people down here who make up strange names for their kids tend to be high school drop outs who live in housing projects or ratty old trailers. Sarah evidently doesn't know or doesn't care that she's making her kids look like they're from, ahem, a certain less-than-desirable socioeconomic level.

  10. The meaning of the name Tripp is interesting too:

    According to the Urban Dictionary, Tripp: 1. To engage in sexual intercourse with, usually while drunk or out of pure infatuation. Another word for having sex, i.e. She got drunk and tripped with him after the party.
    2. A noob of extraordinary proportions.

  11. Anonymous12:33 PM

    From a Frontiersman article dated 03/23/2001; Mayor Sarah Palin gave birth to a daughter, Piper Indi Grace Palin. Palin said Piper's name was in keeping with Alaska and sports theme names she and her husband have given their children. Besides, "I've always loved the name Piper," she said. Indi isn't just a snowmachine name, but an abbreviated form of "independence." Todd Palin revealed the meaning behind another part of the youngest Palin's name. Grace, he said, was "for the grace of God." Ugh.

  12. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I saw this joke/comment somewhere and thought, hey, it belongs right here!

    SP is also so appreciative of all those who appreciate her family, including Trapp, Trog, Peter-Piper, Truck, Barstool, and Wallow, as well as future babies Tinsel, Teflon, and Tallow.



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