Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Today Mark Begich was sworn in as Alaska's first Democratic Senator in over forty years. Does the air up here smell cleaner or is that just me?

Democrat Mark Begich is Alaska's newest U.S. senator.

Begich, the former Anchorage mayor, was sworn in as a senator this morning, replacing longtime Republican Sen. Ted Stevens. Begich defeated Stevens in November.

Begich's son made national news Monday when he shouted out to President-elect Barack Obama at a chance meeting at the Capitol.

The president-elect walked over to 6-year-old Jacob Begich and asked him, "What's going on, man?"

Mark Begich says that Jacob kept repeating, "I met the president! I met Obama!"

Yeah you know I met little Jacob myself on the day this picture was taken. He ran into my leg as I was talking to Mark.

Cute kid.

I hope his dad's job keeps him attending school in Washington for many years to come. I am confident that Mark will be a GREAT Senator for Alaska.


  1. That was so cute, he was beaming when he saw PEBO... he was so excited... well what am I saying I would be excited and beaming too and I am an old woman...lol

  2. By the way I recognize that the post makes it seem like I DIDN'T like little Jacob but I really did. He was very cute and when Mark tried to apologize for him I told him not to worry since I work with children all of the time.

    And Jacob is one cute kid.

  3. WooooHoooo Very very exciting...so cool...


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