Monday, January 12, 2009

President Bush participates in final news conference. Rose colored glasses still firmly in place.

In a nostalgic final news conference, President George W. Bush defended his record vigorously and at times sentimentally Monday — and admitted mistakes, too, including his optimistic Iraq speech before a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner in 2003.

After starting what he called "the ultimate exit interview" with a lengthy and personalized thank-you to the reporters in the room who have covered him over the eight years of his presidency, Bush showed anger at times when presented with some of the main criticisms of his time in office.

He particularly became indignant when asked about America's bruised image overseas.
"I disagree with this assessment that, you know, that people view America in a dim light," he said.

What is to blame for having resided over perhaps the worst Presidency in recent history and being blissfully unaware of that fact?

Alcohol? Lack of perspective? Some missing chromosomes?

It simply boggles my mind that this guy can look at the same horrific evidence that I read in the paper and come away feeling good about his response.

Guantanamo Bay? Really just a resort for anti-social types. With an outdoor sauna, cutting edge exercise program, and the opportunity to change religions.

Katrina? We rescued over 30,000 people off of their roofs. The over 1,300 who died? Well why weren't they on the damn roofs?

Torture? We don't torture. We simply ask questions while causing great pain and fear of death.

Economy? I am leaving the economy in the same condition that I found it, except without all of that surplus money clogging things up.

You know the thing that really scares me about George Bush's lack of awareness is how closely it mirrors MY Governor's tunnel vision concerning her own difficulties.

Troopergate? Mike Wooten shot a moose out of season, while drunk in his patrol car, and breaking my sister's heart. Of course allowing my husband to pursue a personal vendetta against him while using state funds is justified. Did I mention he broke my sister's heart?

AGIA? Well it has just as much chance of being implemented as all of the other plans proposed in the last thirty years. But the important thing is that it is NOT the same plan put forward by Frank Murkowski. And by definition that makes it better!

Babygate? Oh please! There were at least three pictures which showed me pregnant, and I told everybody about my boring little jaunt back up to Alaska with a river of amniotic fluid running down my leg, and then I showed up all skinny again with a baby. How is that a scandal in anybody's book?


  1. I am still wondering which mistakes the AP is saying he admitted...yeah...Mission Accomplished...sure..that was a big one... what about the entire Iraq war...I could think of several more... what an idiot he is. And you are so right..he and Palin are so alike. I think that is what she strives for..that was my first thought, she wanted to be just like Bush. I haven't changed my mind and she does nothing to make me want to.

  2. Hey thanks for the link in your blog roll...was going to say this before and I forgot... my brain only works half the

    reading your next story my verification word is

  3. Well yes Anonymous I am an ass, and thank you for noticing.

    However I believe the main problem for the people in the path of Katrina was that they were poor, very poor. Many did not have cars or any other method to get out of town.

    They had been promised buses but they were never utilized. If you remember the one young man who stole a bus and transported a number of people to safety was then arrested.

    No I don't think the blame lies with the people who did not listen to the authorities. I think the blame belongs to those who gutted FEMA and made it a shadow of its former self.

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM


    A couple of things, your "assness" aside.

    Do you remember that during the Clinton years, FEMA was a cabinet level department? It was run by James Lee Witt, and they were a crackerjack organization.

    After 9-11, The Worst President Ever™, with the cooperation of congress, made FEMA a division of the mega Department of Homeland Security. FEMA was no longer autonomous, and anything it does has to be run past Chertoff for his blessing.

    Then, to make matters even worse, Bush put "Heckuva Job Brownie" in charge of FEMA... a guy whose managerial experience consisted of running an Arabian horse association.

    It should have been no surprise that the response was inadequate and inept.

    Of course - according to The Worst President Ever™, "no one could have anticipated the breach of the levees," even though the Corps of Engineers had been warning about this potential disaster for decades, unless some serious money was spent rebuilding and fortifying the same levees that were breached.

    Just goes to show ya - sometimes, pork-barrel projects are more than just pork.

    I, for one, am glad that there will no longer be these Nuggets of Nincompoopery© from The Worst President Ever™.

    Take care,


  5. Anonymous3:41 PM


    Andrea Gusty is doing a short piece on the Palin pregnancy rumors tonight at 6 and again at 10. Apparently she is to release live video of a pregnant Palin. With a fake belly, of course. No idea why now other than Palin going bonkers trying to refute Teh Bloggers.

    Just FYI.

  6. Absolutely right--those were the poor folks. Not everyone in harm's way can just get the next plane out to safety. Not everyone has a car (OR the money for gas!)

    Speak of cars and evacuation, the last place I'd ever want to be, is stuck in traffic, out of gas, when the storm hits!

  7. I find it hilarious and so telling that there were not enough people from the press to fill up the room. They had to make White House interns fill the empty seats!


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