Thursday, January 08, 2009

Sarah Palin actually addresses the Trig Palin questions as well as other controversies in this brand new interview.

This was put together by an extreme right wing organization who adore Palin.

It seems clear that Sarah is going to continue to play the sympathy card to garner support from the Republicans. This may move her forward to some degree but it is hard to believe that ANYBODY wants to elect a victim as President of the United States.

To sum up, nothing is Sarah Palin's fault. Everything is the fault of anonymous bloggers (Hi Sarah!), the main stream media, and Saturday Night Live.

BTW I learned of this video from my fellow Alaska blogger Celtic Diva. If you click the title you can visit her site and get her take on this interview as well.


  1. When he asked her about PEBO asking her to be his VP I threw up in my mouth.

    She is still lying and can't accept that she has nothing to offer. There is just no there, there.

    I was reading in the ADN yesterday when Bill Poe announced his run for Gov. a lot of the comments were saying even he could beat her. I was surprised by it. Maybe there is hope after

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    She is unbelievable! Sarah, you know how you can make the bloggers stop talking about and trashin your family (now that I know you read these)? 3 simple things:

    1. Provide irrefutable, certified medical records from your pregnancy and birth of Trig.

    2. Keep your kids at home like the rest of use do when we go to work...FAR AWAY from the media elite. No business trips, no photo opps, NOTHING. I want to forget their names.

    3. Fire your entire PR press team, and hire ones whose experience is more than having gone to high school or served on the PTA with you. Your image has been decimated...hire a laid off ad exec to get you a new brand...this reformer/maverick shit is worn out.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Alaskans: what has she reformed?

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Ok, Sarah, stop all the rumors by providing a birth certificate of Trig's birth and medical records that you had a baby, not from your infamous doctor.

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Frankly, there is a very simple way to stop "unnamed bloggers" and teh "media" from trashing you and your family.

    Go to your office on the 3rd floor of the Capitol Building in Juneau, sit down, put your feet up, and have a great bug cup of STFU.


  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    The dems hated her, she is truly clueless. As a lifelong dem, we demand our candidates have a brain number one, so she would have never even been considered. Could someone in Alaska investigate how her house got built so you can impeach her and throw her ass in jail.

  7. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Poor little Sarah, nothing is ever her fault. PE Obam did not trot his kids out at every appearance as Sarah did. Keep your kids under wraps and show us what you have Sarah.
    You threw Piper, Levi, and Crystal under the bus at the Repuglcan covention. Now they're paying the price for your unbridled ambition.
    Take a hint lady. Raise your kids at home and do your job in your office. They're separate issues.

  8. That video is just plain disturbing.

  9. Anonymous3:35 PM

    This woman could be Ann Coulter's sister. Incredible. I'm just amazed at this woman's capacity for lying. Of course all politicans play fast and lose with the facts, but this broad raises it to an artform. Two people apparently resigned from her staff today. Could the rats be leaving the Sarah ship?

  10. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Gryphen, have you seen this on the State of Alaska website? This isn't exactly ethical, is it?

  11. if she isn't THE most unprofessional public official she's a close second. i think it's safe to suggest that another couple "documentary interviews" like these, and her hopes for 2012 are pretty much a bunch of crystal meth pipe dreams.

    "katie, you're not the center of everyone's universe." hey, Sarah! nor are YOU. so shutty.

  12. Anonymous9:34 PM

    What is funny no one complained when the chosen one was dragging his little rugs rats around. The far left are so worried that Ah-ah-ahbama is a one term president they have to keep mfg conspiracy garbage.

    That was a great 9 min interview, showed that the liberal media means nothing and all of the leftwing bloggers are exactly as she describes them dishonest and liars.

    You really have to love it when the first black/white president is about to be sworn in and the leftwings biggest story is whether a gov gave birth or not.

    This is incredible,

  13. Notalib, you're clearly living in an alternate reality. No one is currently worried that Barack Obama is going to be to be a one-term president currently, though clearly you wish he will be.

    What the interview clearly shows is that Sarah Palin is 1) a whiner and will always play the victim card and 2) a narcissist, only concerned with her presumed march to the White House instead of the needs of Alaskans. Less than two weeks before the Alaska legislative session starts, where is Gov. Palin? Not working on the budget with low oil prices. Not working on anything for Alaska's rural communities. Not in her Anchorage office working on issues for Alaskans. But giving an interview to a right-wing former radio-show host (John Ziegler), who was once fired for spelling out the n-word on air. This is the person you're extolling for conducting this interview--John Ziegler--a man who once discussed his current girlfriend's genital grooming on the radio.

    The only thing Palin accomplished via this interview and her office's subsequent media-handling fiasco was cementing her national image as the idiot governor. Since you're clearly a Palinista, what she said spoke to you. However, Palin's never going to get elected to the White House on her marginal fan club numbers. Sarah Palin will never appear presidential to voters by answering questions with statements such as "Because, Katie, you’re not the center of everybody’s universe.” In fact, Palin probably will not even occupy elective office after 2010 election because she hasn't accomplished anything as governor of Alaska. Alaskans aren't going to like paying $500 million dollars to a Canadian company for a pipeline that wasn't built under a plan Sarah Palin negotiated. Having Alaska payout half a billion dollars and receive nothing in return is an excellent way to say to Alaskan voters, "Don't elect me. I don't know anything and shouldn't be put in charge of ANYTHING!"

  14. hi there, this is perhaps a bit of a geeky question :)

    I noticed that at the bottom of my recent post, there are gzillions of links from your blog; on unrelated topics. SO i figured blogger's playing a trick. Do you know how to stop that? It's because the links are helpful in identifying who is posting on similar topics and now, links to my post are swamped with Sarah Palin ;)

    Anyways, not a big deal but I was just technologically curious :)

  15. I don't know Naj, and have never seen it or heard of it until you mentioned it.

    I have not done anything myself to make such a thing happen and apologize for any inconvenience.


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