Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Daily Show is back!

So the Republican Governor's say they will not take the Stimulus money in order to make a political point, but we all know they are full of shit. Especially OUR Republican Governor, who could not turn down free money if her life depended on it. Per Diem's anybody?

I wonder how hard it would be to work the phrase "sawdust covered, calloused man hands" into a conversation? Maybe if I was talking about Ann Coulter....


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I know the GOP think Jindal is their new rising star, but the more I read about him and watch him on these talk shows, the less I am impressed. I know he supposed to be a bright guy, Rhoades scholar, and all that, but he doesn't seem to be bringing anything new to the table here.

    He uses the same tired old Republican talking points in every speech and interview, And quite frankly his religious views are just about as nutty as Sarah's...maybe he doesn't subscribe to the end of days petacostal bullshit, but that's about the only difference betwen them. He's almost as religious right wing nutty as it gets. Wonder what his approval ratings are...

  2. ROFL! I, of course, did not watch this Daily Show until AFTER Jablowme's response to Obama's speech...which sorta made THIS EFFING BRILLIANT!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.